1235 ~~ BY-LAW No. 1235 To Designate County Roads The Elgin County qouncil enacts: That the following roads be and are hereby designated as County Roads: 1. The road in the Township of South Dorohester between concessions 10 and II, from lot 12 east to the Oxford townline, thence south on the townline connecting with County Road Number 48 and Oxford County Road No. 19 - a distance of about five and a ~uarter miles. 2. The County townline between the Townships of Delaware and Southwold at the intersection of Middle- sex County Road No. 17 and Elgin County Road No. 19, in an easterly direction to Provincial Highway No. 4 - a distance of about five miles. Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, st. Thomas 14th of Jun~, 1935. ~ :,J~ . '" . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . Clerk Warden n", WM:!i't1I1n o ;:d.1rl';.;S.ng OOlmaU, O$:!:"tU1aì1. ~. 3. 4. !ì1nd 9 =í1 12~1'.I of J!4J.i!ii.n. p~a#1Wh 2 onl1~ """- >ß1I\I1'f, -""_:-'(-~~~ ;'\I¡;ro¡¡¡1.lm,wt=~1 thß c¢U):¡o;\la .$atd cour.rU!!s p:t'opol1la to I!!J1:Il)nd mya'tams of oøunt;y :!:"Qadfil. !Alii o;pp.wvllld by O:t"dlil.t'$"1n.. by thø 1:1\,1(1.1.1:1:1.011 0:1: »onb tØ' 1111111 ßom~tiY' :l.'od S;rIil'llE>IìlIa", tha OOUII:!.;, of . " ' " . -,' ."..~ ø;f the '., the 9B1:r# lGUt) of tbe (~o\mtl1' Of M1dà2\?1M.1i:~ at) .of l~:!íf,) of the oountl1' )~lœ~aphtil 1. Of H'IU"Qn. ptitl'r.¡.g¡-aphø l~iPP~V"" ()f :ay...¡'a.WIII :Non, 2 mnd 3 onl1$ i92'~ }t1~Wtq :tmpl'()l1!)m )~lt 'lQU ~ØUQ111:' May bl'! pÌ.tHu¡ad th.e :li1;tn:!.¡¡¡tl!l1' (if ~u.blto wQX'k$ ~!J1d ni,j~hwt\;'!I1I. l\i1$$. t!lø domm1tt!lll~ OQ'tU1Qj,1 ø,dv1sc tha.tJiI 11.0'11. $èct1QU :t.ß 0:1 The ð_m\'i.orat1øn Qf tb;a ;t1'!l}1l01't 9:f 1!ha RQnß\U'4\I)lEl itt\wd, ,UÞ!'lu.!n';r ~tb;. w~'Í'ìh \)bq in !"ooøl'IiL~Oì\) taX' ð4. fh~l.O. 'tr¡H)tI ilÞt~.¡¡mu.!i\¡X';\r . Hotlou.:rable oopy of @ O:r4slf.'-1r,¡".QoU1:!.O U apPJtnQf!. b;r. '1'he .:1113.6 ¡'1eu.t¡cm.atlt...Gove»n6t'.dl!t~d tne 16th day l~:!i6. A.D. ONTARIO EXECUTIVE COUNtlL OFFTCE ONTARIO - EXECUTIVE' co. ú N ciLO J'"F1CE COP~t øf.a)1¡ Order....in...Cøunci¡ .approv~d, bY" the Honoura.ble, the ];ieuten.ant...Gøyernør, d.ated tha :50thn da.Y cifDacelllbai'" A~D., 19;35¡ Upon cønsidaraticijio:tthe report øf the HøIlourab1e; the Minister of Pup:¡'iQ Wørk:!:1 and Highways" d.ated December lSt~, ,3,9:5.5, the commit,tee, of Cøuncil advise tha.t, in .accordance with Sections 16 .and 2,,{ ;'ì of The Highwa.Y" Imprøvement Aot. Chapter 54;" R.S.Oo> 1927, Your Honourma.Y' be pIe asectto apprøvø 0 f By-law!!! Numbere 1913: øf the County ofSimoo~j 1133: of the County øf Oxførd; ð'S:L of tJ:1è Cpunty pf H.alton:,j 1195 of the County of Victori.a; 1235 -- pf the County øf Elg:l,n;, paragraph 1 only~, 956 of ~'____'_"'~M'n!!'ó':T, " "..-- -~, tw_~ tJ:1e United Countie!:1of Presc~ott & Russ~11,parÌ'1.grap:þ. 1 onlyj and IOð't of theUnitadCounties of Prescott & :Russe:!;l, paragraph 3 only.. The sections øf road to. be remøvedfrøm.. the systents' of the Counties of Halton and Victøria by By;"'laws Number$ 681and 1195 respe,qtive1y, are ,," '.'.' , ".',..' -,,' .-" ,.",.",,- ,,' ',' " des:J.red s1;rúck of!' since they wi1Lbe of no importanoe when the røadS designate'd in the" .above by-laws are appr,oved~ Certified, wbl Clerk" Executive cøüncil~