1240 . . . Clerk .. ?:c;. 7- --i h. m . . . . . . . . . . . . . Warden January, 1936 Qounoil Chambers Read a third time and passed at County St. ~homas this 31st day of eaoh audit . servioes and five oents per mile going to and from be paid the sum ~hat the members of the said Board of Audit of ]'ive Dollars per day for their of them by R.3.0 1927 Chapter 126 Section 22 . of the Board of Audit to perform the duties re~uired Mr. Joseph H ~hat the Judge of the County Court . Burke be and are hereby appointed members and The Elgin County Counoil enacts To A ]'or the oint a Board of Audit in Year 1936 the Count in , '7.' By-Law ~o. 1240