J);¡;..Lf;.W ¡w. M.5-
WO ¡end j¡¡1p1e fQr 'JJ~ Sale
.~ ~ht;¡ County (loun(!:t;L of the Oounty of Elgin anaet~H
Ĺ“hat the t1111e foX' the enforøéd collaetion by $J:Ùe of land
in arrea.rs foX' ta~e$ in the County of Elgin be and is hereb1
extended for OnO year.
Head à third 1;:!,me and ;PMsed ôt County cóMón Chamber$.
St. !!:homas. th:l.¡a 26th day of l{ovember. liilß/h
-::7C -J mr7?l~
.. " ;...~. '....'. .', _¡¡¡'fl... oij!!',..., .~.".'.'
e:cl1: Wa.rdell