J3;(~JJAW ¡~O../2..:rr
tô Provide f~~ AÇlditional E;¡¡¡;penð.1 t~;t'00R the· System of
!h)U,îltr JWp.dliil 1.1), ·the County of E1ÆJ;in
\IIHER8AS J3y-Law ,No. 124~ was passed on tM 15'th of Mfí;rQh
to provide :f.o:t' a to"ta;¡' e:¡çpendittwe of ':&170,000 8J1:ïìI'oyed by O:t'der"
A!~DWli][i}~$ it has been :founa necessary to e~vend an addi-
tional sum of 'ten !.!Il101.\I~and Dol;J.ars to oom:pletê the ,",,01.'k of main-
tenanoe and 1.'opair undertaken this year 1
!.!1m: ELG~ OOUl~':CYØOUl~G:t¡' :E4U\OT$1
~\W the sum of !.!Ien Thousand Dollars is hereby appropriatéd
frommo.n:LeS to be :!;'a1$ed by levy and goV'errurlent subsidY to be
Efx:pended (jn the County ¡toad $Yßtem during 1~$$ undo:!? the direøtion
of the county .!'to/HI .suporintendent and in aG(jorC1anoe with last
revised regulations resp.eçting County Road$~
'r'BA~ iii copy of tl1is. Þyrlaw be tl'litnsmitted JQo the Deputy
lUnht(j);t' of Highwaya for approva;L.
Reað. a third "time 6.1'111 :PB.ssed lilt county C<:runc1:L Q~l!3.mbeX'å.
St. Who¡¡¡a¡¡ th;1a P<.7dõf;1.Y o:j! Noveml¡at ~.~3Ih
..~~ l.J:l!r... m.~ ~.
County C:¡'erk Wa:r:dé;!.
A by-law to of
.............. .,..:¡;;Jg.~} ..,.,...._.._....ãuring the year 1 I) 3 Ô '.
WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act, Chapter 54, R.S.C., 11)27 and amend-
ments requires that the total expenditure on YòWñ~niþ roads and bridges be pro-
vided for annually by tõVlñSJ:ri'þ by-law. Coun ty
THEREFORE the council of the municipal corporatiorr of the safd tðwns1Ii'þ County
enacts as follows:
(1) The sum of $,..lO+QQ.Q_...is hereby app+'Opriated í'roilll1)Onies raiseÇ! by levy,
debentures and government subsidy for totalexþenditure upon oonstruction and
maintenance on the roads in the said township during the year 193) as follows:
Road Construc tion,." ......._.......'''._.,$..........,. .......,.",.,...".,...."J,!5..Qg..,QQ"...,_,.
Bridge Cons '.ruc tion.._"___....__.,....,$...,.,..,,.,.._..._._,.__..,....,,!?.RºQ".QQ,..,,,,,,,,
Ma chinery.....,..,..".._......,.__,.."..,___....$.....".,.,.,.....,...__..._..'''_,.,..¡ lQQQ...Q.o~....
Superin t endenc e..,._......,,,,,,,,..,...$ ..."......",.",....._..,...."_...,1Q.9".,QQ.,.,,,
Maintenance & Repair............:........_,....._$ ... '., .....,.."._",,,.,.....!?§Q.Q,,QQ.....
Total Es tims ted Expendi ture......."..$.,....",,,..,........ ......_..,..lQ.QQO.....D,Q",.,.
(2) The said monies shall be expended under the direction of the duly appointed
Countytewnah4~ road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with the last re-
vised regulations respecting~ßw~~ roads issued by the Department of Highways
of Ontario. County
(3) The clerk shall transmit this by-law in duplicate to the Deputy Minister,
Department of Highways, for approval on or before January 31st of the present year.
Passed a t,..,.8:ft....Tß.oIDªtt...,...,,,._,,.,thisJ;;!lj¡ÌJday of._NOYêIDQfir..,_..__A.D., 193 &
(S E-A L )
0''''"'.,,,,,,.,,."..,,.., "''''''''''"'''"''''''''''''''''''''"''''''~'' """,,'.'"""~ "",.,'"'"._""'__"'""",,~".>'_ -õÏ-;ii;"íi:"· ·······--·..-··,,'-···War<režr·'--'--;RS·6T;;"·'
.,,,,...,,..,,,......,.,,.Clerk of the Corporation of the 1IowI;a~0í'
" '" ..,,,,,,,,,~"~,,,,,._,.,,,,,, """",.",~""",,- """""""""",-"".~,","",,,,~,,,,,.~,,,,,,~,,.~.,, ",.,.._""._,....."..,...ßo her.eby certify that the foregoing is a
true copy of By-law No.... .",passed by the council of the said eorporation on the
day of. ,.193.,.