1260 /~ , __' '7 L.--;-' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c",,_ Clerk ?::~ ':::' )/fa?? ,~¿ , . . . . . ~·l;~· Warden Chambers st Read a third time and passed at County Co un oil . Thomas this 22nd day of January 1937. and five oents per mile, going to and fromeaoh audit. paid tlte sum of Five TIollars per day for their servioes That the members of the said Board of Audit be 1927, Chapter 126 Section 22. of Audit to perform the duties required of them by H.S, o. H . Burke be and are hereby appointed members of the Board That the Judge of the County Court and Mr. Joseph Tb.e Elgin County Counoil enacts . . To A for the Year 1937 oint a Board of Audit in the .Count 1260 BY-LAW NO. of. Elgin