1262 ,,'~-- ,...-' ~-/ . . . , . . .. . . . . Clerk ~e-7. . (;c_¡ , _', .. . ........ J..... .. Warden Chambers st Read a third time and passed Thomas this 22nd day of January 1937. at County C6unci1 That By-Law No. 1243 be and is hereby repealed. Clark Liddle For Term of 5 years H. G . Taylor For Term of 4 years G. J W. ¡VI. H. B. Mitchell Sloan Lancaster For Term For Term For Term of 3 years of 1 year of 2 years oonstitute work to be done on the County Road System a Committee for the purpose of directing the That the following five members of this Council Highway Act The Elgin County Council enacts as re~uired by To A~~oint Cöunt)L_Road Committee BY-LAW No. 1262 the