1264 'C:;d ~ ~4 L . ... . .... . ..... .,..(P'.-'~..~ ." _... .... .. .,...'.....:. _. ... .... .... . .. . .~.. If'. ,...... ...'.~,',...",.i(.'~," Qlerk:' atdil».I:'t Ohambers, Read a third time and p!ls$ed at OotUlty 001l!lo:l.l st. \l:ho¡¡¡aß, this 22nd day Qt' January, 3,937. 'l!hat tMs Oounö:l.l i$ willing to hàve the final eqttaU~ation of assessment rolla, in ease of appeal, madw by tM oounty Judge. J\.ldbo;t'Ough J)unw:l.oh Southwold. :t"àDoutb. Ma:1ah:Lêi~ jjayhan¡ south Dorohester Aylmer . Dutton :Port stanley springfield V1enna Rodney We¡¡¡t Lorna t :¡¡,'t~~. Ê}ßa - l,þ.o,¡¡,a.2¢')1.'i ~fl()I, ¡,2'l6 f$,5j.~.al.'i:Q 45.4.4t()f~7~ ~1421).7;:¡¡; 2.165 .I.'iSt1. ..<- 1.5EH!).082 1.'i12.(lß3 94fh ªª9 1840,13'14 ll.1a1.()44 4.1:L,·'\\I5() .. .. .5it"¡iéìc ;/ ."." "" ,,;..1 I I $ 3Ø.S~~4~/.j1J,}4-ð. N5 What the fO).low:l.ng be the equalization of the JU'Isessment Rolls of the Oounty of :Elgin :f\!);t' the YeaJ! 193'1. " mhO Elgin oounti Oounoil enaots: n for of:!1lJ.e !!-saessmof).t the Year 193~'-. R9.llS ..... B1"L.'I.W NO. 1964