1274 .' , BY"'U.W No. 12'14 ~oDeBignate Road in the Townshi of Aldboro ,h ~.'- The Elgin'C ounty Council rèoommends. Tha t the road in the ~ownshiP øf Aldborough from the town line 'between Ald'borough and Dunwioh 'beginniJg 'bfi!jtween ooncessions 2 and :3 " at I,ot Z. thence westerly to lot 1'1. .(D~vision Line) thence southerly to the road between ooncessions 5 & 6. thenoe westerly connecting with County Road No. 3 or (The Furnival road between lots 8 & 9) be and is hereby designated as a county road. A distanoe of approximatelY seven miles Read a third time and passed at county Council bli Chambers, st. Thomas. this;2 th day of November. 195'1. " yt {4~ ,,' . . .~'... ... . .....".. -- ........................ Clerk Warden ¡¡,,",Ar'/t'A,¿t - ,:Ì?p.-.td.//?-'¿<-vz- Y, 1'// ,/ .~." WI .~". d 1°1 .,("p' "!.A~- . . . t 2. -.¿~¿ I . Jr' I~'" jk f/!..L<CC¿ tv",,,,I"'·1./ /#' lJ .,-' A-,.Il-t/L, 1) .