1276 , , 11~I'i II,il' 1'1" , I~ ;(!¡ I By-LAW No. 1276 To Assume the Fulton Bridge as a Count e The Elgin County Counoil enaots: That the Fulton Bridge over Kettle Creek en road used as oounty line between the townships of Yarm.òuth and Southwoldb$tweerr lots 3 and 4.on West River Road and opposite Lot 5 on West Mill Road, approximately 160 feet in length be and is hereby assumed as a county bridge. Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, st. Thomas, 26th day of November, 1937. " cr...-/~7 ~ ~4: / _/., ' /ð-G4~"-"- . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..~ø.....f>___. ......... --- Cle:dt Warden Ii ., r" 'i'