1278 I :¡ , Il I; i II Ii , ,1 "Ii '!,¡ Iii II I' \ ¡ I , i BY-LAW NO. 1278 TO ~ake Grants to High Sohools "" ~he Elgin County Counoil enacts: ,-'.~ That Grants be made to High Schools as follows: "" Aylmer 675.93 762.04 $ :¡'337,97 Vienna 109.00 1225.57 1334,57 London 61:1.32 port Burwell 379~24 Simcoe 52,55 Tillsonburg 744.31 Springfield 20.154 Brownsville 225.71 Dutton 246 . 71 $ 4410.12 to pay the oost of eduoation o·f Elgin Coun1;y pupils for the year 1936 as requested by letter from the Department of Eduoation. , mead a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, st. Thomas, this 26th day of November. 1937. ;/' . r::7 ~.~ - . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ~'~ . . . . , . . Clerk Warden