1281 . .~ ~ , , I By-Law No. 1281 , i i I I. To Deste;nate County Road tn the Village of vtenna The Elgin County Council enacts: That the road hereinafter set forth be designated as a COunty Road in the Village of Vienna, Namely: from the provtncial Highway Number 19, beginning at lot 2, thence northerly to lot 24. thenoe north easterlY to the Mill Bridge across and along lots 17 to 21 thence sou'th westerly along the Creek road to the Westerly limi.ts of the Village of Vienna; a distance of approxtmately one and a ~uarter miles. That the Minister of Highways be asked to approve of this destgnation. Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, st. Thomas, this 20th day of January 1938. . . . . .'. . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . (7 ~~~ '-~ ..&..e.......... .. .' '" ~'", .'. Clerk Warden ~ O~·i!:'t:i. t~ød.. <' J~IEin4 ~)Xutt:t\1ì: $JfI!J'!¡~¡.!.t bit Qrãì.\í1!.'$...b,..c1l:t~dl.. b~r \t'f,lff"~ ~~Yllltém<w '\'ihl?! ¡:¡.dtl1 t1 ~)ri ~:C <i,,",'~ ~!~'~~'i~v~ì: t1M¡ j)fII~t1 ¡m¡;¡1i'!~"f!~~i/J.t .¡¡,øt., OM¡:rtß:t' ii&, 'n.s..o", 1.' ~pp:¡J'ø'\fa.1 I i I :: I: :1 1,1 .1 I I I I II Ii I 1iU1()U&'liI,bl$ 4t~y Qt 1'tm1\\l)\ th~ '\11:ta. '!; 1n t\!J;íZ40rd,IiI.!\.<I1\\t wi ~l' . 'U~n. ~ b~ ~1V~ to ~..~,liW( ~(J" 1~~ ~'f .t~,!!~~!t!-! ~~. 'WÌi\ít!"~iI!I:t;!:I t1~ (II;ijlum.~n (.t tl;\t~ M1å QØ\Il1lt:v )ilN:Iì " ' " . ".. t¡'n!)! of (Ï(1¡'~n.ttf ~oa\~¡¡¡. '""" ^,~,' ~:.!i'~!id t()J OQ,!u¡ið,~l'l\I. t1C~1, thl\! 1'41 n.i ~~ t;¡¡f' {!¡ 't 1958, ;¡'~PQX't or t'h~ _'" "'. 4ft't'ÎÌi!1; t'b0 2U111, OI~1\t¡ ¡f;'\1~~ ot O!.'lm!~dl ~~øvb~ :t~ Í' !.'If '$)h~~ ~iI~~t1<}~ m~'b~~'~"" . t~:r mf~b¡IJav "oo'!U'a.b3.~ d~¡1 !tit 1'1:11'1. ~!.'IW ot ~n tJrdÅ“<.i.n.oQ,mIi!1:t t\:P:P:rOV1\1\t1l thß Uøut~~l~VI1J~)¡,'!j)1". f,f¡\1t'<!i1 ~þ 4.». 1tØ. l)y!l."kl.ì\I /-5..4- , EXECUTIVE COUNCIL OFFICE