1284 " , ¡ j ¡ '''- < >.-"~._,.'".-.~. -'~"""~~'--"-''''''''- --',^.-~~~~_.~.~~ "'-~---~---""ë-'~-c~""""'="""~-----:;':'::::L:?!~ By-Law No. 1284 To Confirm the E~ualizationof the Assessment Rolls of The County of Elgin for the tear 1938. The Elgin County Council enacts: That the following be the equalization of the Assessment Rolls of the County of Elgin for the year 1938. Aldborough 3,705,658 Dunwioh 4,048,205 Southwold 5,104,276 Yarmouth 5,,313.553 :Malahide 3,440,976 Bayham 2,425,735 South Dorchester 2.080,584'- Aylmer 1,585,082 Dutton 512,653 ]3ort stanley 942.889 Springfield 184,874 Vienna 121,044 Rodney 421,450 West Lorne 348,366' . 30,235,345, That this éouncil is willing to have the final , e~ualization of assessment rolls, in êase of appeal. made by the County Judge. Read a third time and passed at County Council Ohambers, st. Thomas, this 21st day of January 1938. ~ ~(/ ~~ ~ . . . . " iii (I . . . .Olerlc Warden ~--~_.__..._.- J