1291 By-Law No. 1291 To Appoint County Auditor The J;;J.gin County Council enacts; 1. 'rhat John D. Thomson is hereby appointed Auditor to hold office during the ,,:;p\;L~asure of the Counc il. ", That it shall be the duty of the said Auditor to "'. examine and audit all accounts affecting the Corporation or relating to any matter under its cont~ol or within its , 1 jurisdiction, ~uarterly, during each calendar year, and report at the January Session in e~ch year on the accounts of the preceding year, and also transmit to the Warden, the Chairman of the JHnance Committee, and the County Clerk an abstract statement of Receipts and Expenditures as completed for each quarter, together with a report in reference to any irregularity or other matter that in the opinion of the said AudHor should be brought to their attention. 3. That the said Auditor be paid an annual salary of Two Hundred and ]'orty Dollars, said salary to be paid ~uarterly on the order of the Warden. .' Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, st. Thomas tbj.s 21st day of January 1938. -:? ~ --¡.. ~o/ ~.~ ~ . . " .. 00 00 .. It . . . . $ " o'\!*'?,ot",.::.o .. . Clerk Warden