1293 I i , i 'I ¡ rw-'>"'''''- .i'0Þ,A'¡\iJ:F,-,;;Z-':'<';;L : ) , il 'I 'i il ;ì .1 :i , ¡! ¡l Approved this'l~>d~~f 193~ ¡ If ___ Highway Traffic Act, (¡ ". OJ I¡l ~,~J). i\lK,\! MJNISTER OF HIGHWAYS -~---- é ---- .) .~-.---~- --"--... I I Clerk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~.~ Warden Chambers, st. Read a third time and passed at County Council Thomas this 17th day of June 1938. That By-law No hereby repealed . 1292 be and is . of the Highway ~raffio Act. pursuant to the provisions of subseotion 3 of Section 39 at its intersection with the road between lots 6 and 7 South Dorchester be designated as a through highway allowance between conoessions 10 and 11. That County Road No. 43 , being Township the road of The Elgin County Council enacts To Designate a To Repeal By-law No. 1292 tr':'~/ ''"''~f /''''>'''''''v-'''''''''''' "-"'- By-law No --~·;~""'·--~'ì..ry~,nc--"'..?"- . 1293 "...,.~"..;,-:-""..,....,-.--,.,....,.~ ~~J. -' - IF YOU CHANGE YOUR ADDRESS NOTIFY THE DEPARTMENT IMMEDIATELY K.W. McKaY', Esq., County' Clerk, St. Thomas, Ontario. Per Registrar . Yours truly, Bickell, :oj¡or Vehioles. I am returning herewith one copy of By~Law No.1293 of t~q County of Elgin, approved by the Minister 0: Highways July 26th, 1938. WITH CONSIDERATrON FOR THE: CONVENIENCE AS WEL..L. AS THE SAFETY OF OTHERS MOTOR VEHICLES BRANCH CEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAVS Dear Sir :- Toronto, August 3, 1 9 3 8. cm/EW. -~ ""-lARK RE:PL.V· FOR ATTE.NTIC>N OF