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By~Law No. 1303
To Appoint an Inspector for the Purpose of </"
Eradicating the Corn Borer " (
The Elgin County Council enacts:
That Summers Harper of the Township of Malahide
be and he is hereby appointed Inspector for the pUJ:1)ose of
eradica'ting the Corn Borer.
That while engaged in the performance of his duties
the said Inspector shall be paid the sum of Six Dollars pœ
day to include travelling and other expenses.
That the said Inspector appoint a sub-inspector for
each tovmship said appointments 'GO be approved by the TOWIB hip
That all by-laws heretofore passed in this behalf
be and. are hereby repealed.
Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers
St. Thomas, this 20th day of January 1939
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Cler Warden
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Minister ot Agriculture.
Yours very truly,
In accordance with the provisions
of The Plant Diseases Act, 1937. I beg to give my app~oval
ot By-Law No. 1303, of the County of Elgin, appointing
Mr. SUllJmers Harper as Inspector (Corn Borer) tor the year
1939, to be pa1d Six Dollars ($6) . per day tor his services.
Dear Sir:-
Mr. K.W. McKay.
Clerk, County otElgin,
March 15,
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