1304 "I ! I Illilll \1,,:J,i,\ ..:",1'.···, 1)1,1 II! 1~li II: I I I i I I " , I¡ ~í' \1 3. An licenses issued under this by-law shall be ~n forcè from one yea'T £rom the ¿late 'Of ~'ssue and no lon<ger, ancL eveTY licensee under this by-law shall at all times, while cét'frying on Ihis busill'es'~, have his license with _him,and: s'haH, upon d.emaud, exhib-it it to any municipal "Of' peace 'Officer, -and if he fails to do sn, shaH, unless the same is accoun·ted for satisfacto'rily, iÙ'cur a -penÛty of not less than $1.0,0 ò,r more than $5.00, and if any peace officer denuirids the pro- (hwtion, of a license by any 'pen.on to whom the by'-law applies and the demand'is not complied \vith, it shall'be the - duty of the peace officer and he shaH have power to ét'r'rest such person without a wan-ant and to take him befo're 'the nearest Justice of the Peace, there to be dea.1t \'lith according to law. 2. No such -license shaH he-r'equired for :hawking, peddling, or sellin1g goods, walre~, or nrerchandise to- a retail-dea,Jer, 0'1' for hawking, pedlin'g, orseUinggo-ods, wares', or metchandis~,the growth, produce, or tminufacture of Ontario, not being liquOrs within the"meaning of The 'Liquo-r Licen'se Act, if the same a're 'hawked o'r p'eddkd by the manufacturer or prodnceT oft'he1:il, or by 11Îs bona fide servants -or employees having written author,ity so to do, and suc-h servant or empUoye'e shall exhibit his anthO'rity w'hen required so to do by any municipal 0'1' peace officer. 1 Fl'om and after the 'Passing of- this .by-law, it -shall héµeces- sary for every ha.wker, p,ed'hir, or petty chapman, and 'o-ther -persoris ca'l'rying on -petty' trad!es 0'1' wh'c,go from plaice 10 pla,c'e OT to ,other men's houses 'On fÛ'ot O'r with any anima:l, v·ehide, boat, vessel, 0'1" // othe'r C'l'aÍ't b'~a'ri1l'g or drawin1g ,goOd's, wares, or mcrc;hanàise fo'r sale,~/'-V or who gO' from place to place Örto other men's -bons'cs to take ordéiĆ  for coal oil aT 'other- oil, wh-ich -is ',to be de1iver:ed afterwards from a tank car moved 'on a 'railway lline, ocr who go £<rom pIa-tie !to place 10'T to a pa'1ìtîcu1ar phoe to make siles 0'1' d'elive'ri'es of" -cO'aÌ-oil or other oil from 'such tank q¡;r, to procur'e and o-btaina license for transacting 0'1' c~r:ryill'g on a-ll snch trad1e, buS'i'n'ess, or ca11îng within. the limits of the CÜ'rpo-ratÏ'on of the Colin-ty(Jf Elgin, and any -persO'n so licensed shÛl 'be su'bject to:' the lyrûviS-ioJ1s, of this by-Jaw, and anysnch license shall be issued' under the co-q}Q'rate seal 'of the said C9u,nty an'd i's'sued and .s'igne-å by t'he T'reasurer àf t'he 'saiclICou.n1ty. as The Council follows of he For Corpo'ration Licensing, Regulating, and Governing Hawkers, Pedlars, Petty Chapmen, and Others of the County of Elgin enacts By-Law No. ~_., 1304 , "' -".... "1,;r ~-------~' -_.."....-----;..- --~-"-,. ._"------'-'~ ""~-:-~,~ hi ~~-- ii', 7. Except as herein 'Otherwise p'rovided, any pe'fsün contravening ;my of the provisions of this by-law shall, fOT such off~nce, on convic- tion befO're one or more Justices· of the Peace in and fO'T the Court1ty of Elgin, forfeit and pay a :fine of not Iess than Five Dollars and not more than Fifty DoUan, in the discretiql1 of the Justice or Justices, exclusive of costs; and if no·tpaid forthwith, the same shall be 1evie.d by distress and sale of thego'ods and' chattels of the offender; and in case of there being 11-0 disltress out 0.£ which the pena,l'ty can be levied, 6. 'Hawker!'>" in this by~law shall ìnclùde a'get1;ts fnr pe'fs'ons not resident wit'hìn the County, who sell o'r offer fÖ't' sale, tea, coffe-e, spic-es) baking 'p'Owder)di'Y g'oods, wMches, plated- ware, _ silvërware, furniture, ca'rpets, uphoiIstery, miHinery, c'Oa~1 oil; tinWR't'e, ca'rpet sweepers and electrical a'ppliances, 'O'r jewel,e.lry, spectatc1es,ö'r eye- glass,es, or who cany and expose samples or paHernis of any slich artide which .is to be aftc'rwa'rås de'li-vere-å within the _ CÓu'nty to a person not bein.g a wholesa'leor 'retail dealer in such article. For every person sailmg or travelling with :Ü1Y boa-t, vessel, or -olhe:r craft, Fifty Donars. (d) (b) (c) For every person using a one-horse vehicle or mOt~or vehicle with a 'carrying capacity not exceeding 'Û'ne to'~1 J?ifLJ D õlL. u. ONE Ifulld .,..G14. ÐDHð.."'.s vehic1eÛ'r m,.qtolr vehicle one ton, ~ØHundred Fo'r every pe-rson using a two~h'Orse with a carrying capacity of over DoHan. (0) 5. The foHowing this by-law to persons County 0.£ Elgin:' for :át such license For every person f.ees shall who hav,e lea$Ft one travelling on or any license issued under 'resided continuously within the year p-rior to the ap'plicattion fO'i' foot, Ten Dollalrs. be 'paid not (d) For every person sailing or t1'avelling 0'1' other c'mft, Fifty Dollars. FO'fevery 'peraÓ'n usin'g a two~h"O'rse vehicie O'f with a carrying ca-padty of over one ton,. Fifty \vith any boat, P1QtQ'r ,vehicle Dolla'fa. vessel¡ . (c) For every person using a one-ho,rse wlrh a tarrying capacity of one ton Dollars. (b) veh-ide or 'or less, mo'to'fvehic1e Twc-nty-Five (a) 4 The following fees this by-law to any person County of Elgin for at lea:s't such licen$e For every perso'n travdling on shall be who- ha!" one paid fot all licenses' issued. under résid,e-d cOll'tinüously within tbe year pdo,t to- the app1'ÌcatÎ-on' fO'r foot, Five "DoIlars. '"..."="....:.;j",.......~,~;"..;",.~,_'"i_,,''' . tJle Justice -may commit the· ·offender to the common, gaol of the County 0.£ Elgin fo'r any period not ,exceeding hventy-ün.e days un'less such,fineandcQ's ts, including the 'cO'st of ,comm.ittal a11'd'conveyance of the 'Offender to ,the gaol, are 5'oon'er paid, and' i·n Ûd of the'pJ:'ovisions of this by-law, it is'hereby d'eclared that the provisions of 'The Ontario Summa,ry COlwictions Act s'hal1a'pp'ly' t'hereto. That By-Law Number 1002 be and is hereby amended accordingly. Head a third time and passed at county Council Chambers, st. Thomas, this 20th day of January 1939. --- ~c:. 7 7. , ..-<..- ~.. . . . ... Warden Clerk ONTARIO - DEPARTMENT OF MUNICIPALAFFArRS Ocj;ober 23, 1948 Mr. J.D. Thomson, Clerk, County of Elgin, st. Thomas, Onto Dear Sir: Further to your letter of October 1st enolosing oopy of your By-law No. 1304, being a by-law to lioense hawkers and pedlars, the ; fees as set out in this by-law have the approval of this Department. I am returning the original copy of your by-law herewith. Yours truly, ~t/0-<A-~~7 ~KennedY RLK/BS ' VISOR Encl.