1306 I'i I' ,] I! II: li~ I' 'I , Ii II II i ';1 , I I, II i III !I II II II I ~ II " III 'I ,I i! , , ¡, I: I: Ii I ! ';' By-I,aw No 1306 To Confirm By-law No. 1044 of the Township of Bayham -~ --- The Elgin County Council enacts: That By-law No. 1044 of the Township of Bayham to close up part of Pitt street in the Village of :Port Burwell lyirg between the easterly limit of Chatham street and the harbor, except the westerly sixty feet thereof, be and the same is hereby confirmed. Head a third time and passed at County council Chambers st. 'rhomas. this 20th day of January 1939. ~ --c-c ~ /-7¿7 ..~... , . .. " . . .¡...: . ........ . . Warden Clerk \, Pacific Railway Company. , ÄNDWÆæRlASit is expedient to close up that portion of the said street so as to properly enable the said Township to convey the same tö the said CanadianPaêific Railway Company. NOW TBEREFORE TEE MUNICIPA:LCORPORA.TIONO]' TIlE· TOWNSHIP OF BAY.J:I1IM en.aêts as follows: That portion of Pitt street in the Village of Port \ Burwell lying between the easterly limit öf Chatham Street and \ the westerly limit of the harbour excepting the westerly sixty feet thereof be and the same is hereby stopped up and closed~ That the Reevêand Clerk of the said Municipality are hereby authorized and ,empowered to convey the said premises to . the Canadian Pacific Railway Company or its nominee or nominees and to execute a conveyance of the same and to affix thereto the corporate seal of the Municipal Corporation of the Township of J3ayham so as to effectively pass the title öf the said premises to the said Railway Company , the said premises may be more part- icularly described as follows;- ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Police Village of Port Burwell, in the Township of Bayham, County of Elgin, Province of Ontario, forming part of Lot number Eleven in the First Concession of said Township and part of the land formerly covered by the waters of Big Otter Creek and now known as Pitt street, containing an area of four hundred and forty-five thousandths of an acre (1.445 ac.) more or less, the limits of said tract or parcel of land being more particularly described as follows, viz.: Commencing at a point on the southern side of said Pitt street, at a distance V l! , I W II '1 ~ I I Ii I I ! I I ~ ¡I ji II r.,. r'\WWWi':";~Ji¡:'¥:·.'''l"m!fl\.'''~'''iin:l¡' .(",::<;:"m. 0"/' .0. ,,:: I, I I. . I,' 1 :1 Ii " i I ~ I 'I !! ,I I , i: !i , I I I Ii II II II !! ¡i I By-law Number II)~R¡ of the Municipal Corporation of 'the Irownship of Bayharn. A By-law to close up part of Pitt street in the Village of Port Burwell, lying between the easterly limit of Chatham Street and the harbour excepting the westerly sixty feet thereof. . . . . WIlli"'RE1lS the Töwnship of Bayharn has entered into an agreemént dated November 26, 1937, with the Canadian Pacific Railway Company to convey the said premises to the said Canadian , . ")m,~ of sixty (60) feet measured easterly along said side of street from its intersection with the eastern side of Chatham street, thence due east along said side of Pitt Street a distance of two hundred and ninety-one (291) feet, to thieastern end of said Pitt street or the present western shore of Big Otter Creek; 0 thence north three degrees east (N.3 00'1) along said eastern end of Pitt street to its intersection with the northern side of s~ Pitt street; thence due west along said northern side of Pitt Street, a distance of two hundred and ninety-six (296) feet to a point distant sixty (60) feet, measured easterly along said northel side of Pitt Stréet from the eastern side of said Chatham Street, thence due south a distance of sixty-six (66) feet to the point of commencement. This By-law shall take effect on the date of the final passing thereof. READ a third time and finally passed this nineteenth day of March, A.D., 1938. ~, -- rd1~~... . aá . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . .. . Reeve Clerk '-_.~^ jl' '-c 1" \4 \," ) Q 1-" 0" m g go ~ 8 1=1 . r - - l ..:,;;-- - .t- ....,- - -~.. :öJ ~ (» 'T.I"d1'Þ> (» Pp:) 01-" m p"m I-j c+to c+ c+ c+ c+'<j (» c+(» 1 I-j þ"1-j toWI-' ~(»~~q~ þ" :¡;¡(» m p:) I-'(» (» c+ I-"I-j I-"I-'C+O þ<j 0'1=11-' c+0 1-" 1-"0 '<j ¡::;: c+ I-' t:! I-' I-j '<j 0 Ho Ol-"c+m (» (» Hot:! þ"(» (» þ<j (JQ (» c+o 0 r::J (» þ" 0' <tel c+'d p:) (» 1-" þ" c+ c+ c+ I-"d (» 1-" þ":öJ I-'P:) >it:!p:)(»p:)1-j (» (JQ 13 (» (JQ c+ o t:!(» Hoc+ro 0 . þ" c+¡;:!:: 0 Ho (»I-j,-,Ho (»(I) (» c+ .-3~;;: tJj 0r::J<4 "'t:!1 t:! 1-"1-' ¡n,O p:) ::rl-" :¡;¡ I-'''d 'dP'~ o I-'~ HoOo' O(» tot-¡I-j P''d '<j 0 ~~ þ"1-j P'P' 13 C+'~ . I-"'~ 0, t:! 00 HoHo ptg; (»(»