By-Law No. 1308
Confirm the Equalization of the Assessment Rolls ~
of the Oounty of Elgin for the year 1939
To the Elgin County Oouncil enacts:
,ehat the follpwing be the e~ua1ization of the
Assessment Rolls of the Oounty of Elgin for the year 1939.
Aldborough ~~ 3,705,658
Dunwich 4,048,205
Southwold 5,104,276
Yarmouth 5,313,553
Ma1ahide 3,440,976
Bayham 2,425,735
South Dorchester 2,080,584
Aylmer 1,585,082
Dutton 512,653
Port Stanl ey 942,889
Springfield 184,874
Vienna 121,044
Rodney 421,450
West I¡orne ",-1 348,366
$ 30,235,345
That this Council is willing to have the final
e~ualization of assessment rolls, in case of appeal, made by
the County Judge.
Read a third time and passed at County Council
Chambers, st. Thomas, this 20th day of January 1939.
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