By-Law No. 1313
To Appoint a county Clerk
The Elgin County Council enacts:
That Kenneth W. McKay be and is hereby appointed County Cl~k
at a salary of Fifteen Hundred Dollars per anum and that
By-law No. 1166 be and is hereby amended accordingly.
That John D. Thomson be appointed D(iputy GountY Clerk,
Inspeotor of the House of Industry and secretary of the Old
j\ße Pensions and Mothers Allowances Commission at a salary of.
Twelve Hundred Dollars per anum and in addition an allowance of
Eight Hundred and Eighty-five Dollars per anum for salary cf
an office assistant to be appointed by him and paid by the
County Treasurer on his order.
That By-laws Nos. 1169 and 1172 be and are hereby repealed.
That this by-law be in force and take effect from the first d~
of February 1939.
Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers,
st. Thomas, this 20th day of January 1939.
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