By-law No. 1317
To Designate a County Road in the Township of Dun~
, and
Amend By-law No. 1316
The Elgin County Council énacts:
That the road commenoing at the southerly limit
of the given road allowance in lot 12, concession 8 in the
Township of Dunwich. southerly from the given road through
lots 12 & 11, concessions 8 & 9, to the road allowance
between lots 10 & 11 concession 9; thence south aoross
concessions 9 &. 10 to the southerly limit of the given road
allowance in concession 10; thenoe westerly on given road
allowance aOrOSS lots 10 & 9 to the road allowanoe between
concessions 10 & 11. Thence south westerly to the easterly
lin1i t of the road allowanoe between lots 6 & 7; a distance
of approximately three miles be taken over as a County Road.
That by-law No. 1316 be and is hereby repealed.
Read a third time and passed at county Council
Chambers, June 16th, 1939.
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COMMENCING at tho southerly limit of the
given road allowance in lot 12, ooncession 8
in the Township of Dunwich, southerly from
the given road through lots 12 & 11, concessions
8 & 9. to the road allowance between lots 10 & 11
conoession 9. Thence south across concessions ~ &
10 to the southerly limit of the given road allow-
ance in ooncession 10. Thence westerly on given
road allowance across .lots 10 & 9 to the road
allowance between conoessi?ns 10 & 11. Thence
south westerly to the easterly limit of the road
allowanoe between lots ö & ? . Adistance of
approximately three miles.
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