1321 By-law No. 1321 To Provide forl~ayment of Municipal Clerks for Applioations for Mothers' Allowanoes The Elgin County Council enaots:' That the Clerks of the 100al..lllUnie1.;¢iities in the County be paid ,the sum of Three Dollars eaoh for applications ib~ mothers allowanc~s and in addition the sum of ten cents per mile, one way, for eaoh mile neoessarily travelled in oonnection therewith. That this by-law apply to applications received since the 1st of June 1939. Read a third time and passed at County council Chambers, st. Thomas this 16th day of June 1939. ;?1::::: ~~T 2Jt :~ . . . . ........ . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . Warden Clerk