By-law No. 1322
To A ortion Amount Received from the
Gðvernment for Police Court Expenses
The Elgin County Council enaots:
THat Miss Velma Hill. police Magistrate's secretary be
paid a salary_ of $:t.8_Q,JJe:Lanum.--
Salary o~ County Treasurer's Assistant raised ¡an allowance of Twenty_
\ to $30. per month by resolution of counoil 'sistance.
June 1942. ' receive One Hundred
To commence July 1, 1942. ¡,.nce in connection w.i.th
._ __~_ n~"" .,L-o.J.J.ts.
Reªd a third time and passed at County Council Chambers,
st. Thomas this 16th day of June 1939.
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