1326 By-law No. 1326 To Revert ROad in the Township of Yarmouth !he Elgin County Council enacts: That the following road be re#erted to the Township of Yarmouth: all that portion of the road allowance used in lieu of the original Road Allowance between lots 8 and 9, concession 10, in the Township of Yarmouth which lies west of a line drawn parallel to an(i thirty-three feet (33' .0") westerly (measured at right angles thereto) of a line which may be deseribed as follows: Commencing at a point in the interseetion of the oentre line of the road allowance between said lots 8 and 9, concession 10, and the southerly limit of sai(i Concession 10: Thenoe north along the centre line Of said road allowance One Thousand Nine Hundred and Seventy-two feet (1,972' .0") more or less to a point distant Two Hundred and Twenty-five feet (2215' ..0") South of. the line between the north half and south half of said lot 8; Thence north easterly on a curve to the right, (The radius of which is Five Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty- nine and six tenths feet (5,729.6') Three Hundred and Twenty-eight and three tenths feet (328.3'); Thence north 3 degrees 17 minutes east, One Thousand Eight Hundred and fifty feet (1,8501 .0") The above desoription is based on the assumption that the oentre line of the original road allowance between said lots 8 and 9 is due north. Read a third time an(i passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas on November 23rd, 1939. ~ ~ ~~ /-~. ~...~ . . . . .. ........·7 Cler1\: Warden