1331 , ~' ~. - By-law No. 1331 ¥o Designate a Thro~gh street in the Village of Dutton The Elgin County Council enacts: Tha t th e portionJ- 0 f Shackleton street from the easterly limits of the Village of Dutton to the point of its junction with Main street be designated a Thro~h Highway and stop signs be placed proteoting same. Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas this 19th day of January 1940. .;.4. ~2/L-.-~ ~ ~..., . . . . . . . . . . Clerk Warden BY..LI\.W 491 .' Being ~ by..1~w to deSignø.te $ portion of a certàin street within the 1,imit$ 01' the ViU~ge of Dutton. known ø.s SÞaotleton St. Eø.st ø. through street o~ highway. Therefore, the Council of the Munioipø.lity of th~ Villàge of Dutton enaœt.s, and it is hereby enaoted~rthat the portion of Shaokleton Street from the easterly limits of the Village of Dutton eto the point of its junction with Main Street be designated ø. through street or highway and that stop signa be plaoed prOtecting same. And it is further enacted that this bY"'law shø.ll come into forCe upon the pasaingthereot. Read a first, seoond. and third time ø.nd finally passed this Fourth day of De ( ,embeì' , 1939. ~ , ~ . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . Olerk Reeve