1343 By-law No 1343 To l~aise_ Amounts for County Hates during the year 1940 WHEFŒAS an estimate has been made showing that the sum of OneHundred and ':rtÜrty-six Thousand and Fifty-nine Dollars is required to be ra:is ed in the several municipalities for the lawful purposes of the County during the year 19'10 on the basis of equalize,l assessment as determined in 1939. AND WFŒHEAS tLe estimated. amount requj,red for High and. ContiIma'tion School :purposes based on maintenance costs for 1939 as determined und,er provisions of' the High Schools Act is Fifty,-seven Thousand ]?i ve Hundred. 8.ncl Thirty-four Dollars. Municipali ty ',rotal Equalized Value Aldborough 3,705,658. Dunwich 4,048,205. Southwold 5,104,276. YaI'IrJouth 5,313,55;3. Mala.hide 3,440,976. Bayham 2,425,735. South Dorchester 2,080,584. Aylmer 1,585,082. Dutton 512,653. :Port Stanley 942,889. Springfi eld 184,874. Vienna 121,044. Rodney 421,450. West JJorne 348,366. ~~ 30,235,345. THEREFORE The Council of the Municipal Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts: 1- That a rate of four and one half' mills on the (lollar be levied on all rateable property in the several municipalities in the County of Elgin as above set forth for the year 1940. 2. That the amounts re(luired for County and. )"01' High and. Cont inuation School purposes as set forth in the following Schedule be levi ed in the respective munici])alities during 1940 and. paid to the county r 'reasurer as by law required SCr-ŒDUI,E N!un1cipality School Rates General Vocahonal Coun i¡¡ 1st iÞ 2nd ¡, Ist¡' 2nd ~ Rate Total Aldborough 2,888. 2,551- 786. 197. 6,422 16,675, 23,097 Dunwich 3,559. 3,092. 859. 165. 7,675 18,217, 25,892 Southwolà. 4,205. 3,773. 1,083. 1,263. 10,324 22.,969, 33,293 Yarm.outh 4,372. 4,176. 1,127. 3,475. 13,150 23,911. 37,061 Ivlalahide 2,949. 3,883. 730. 264. 7,826 15,484. 23,310 Bayham 1,925. 2,434. 515. 4,874 10,916. 15,790 South Dorchester 1,627. 1,491. 441. 62. 3,621 9,363 12,984 Port Stanely 829. 954. 200. 477, 2,460 4,243 6,703 Aylmer 336. 162, 498 7,133 7,631 Dutton 108. 156. 264. 2,307 2,571 Springf1elà. 39. 19. 58. 832 890 Vi elma 26. 26. 545 WI Rodney 89 89. 1,896. 1,985 West Lorne 74. 173. 247. 1,568 1,815 22,354. 22,354. 6,413. 6,413. 57,534. 136,059 19~3. 593 Read a third tÜl1e and passed at County Council CÞ,ambers st Thomas this 14th day of June 1940. J.D. Th .d ~.vs;t ;/Æ~ e·t... ...... . '0'········· Clerk Warden ~{,,,,i')'i~(1W:i!~ I County Rates, County of Elgin , j', FINANCE REPORT To the Warden and Couneil of the Goùnty of Elgin, Gen~lemen:'" The Oommittee on Finance beg leave to report 'that having in<luired into the finanoes of tJ:U¡¡ C01.Utty, and estima tee prepared by i: the Oounty 'l'reasurer, they herewi th submit a statement of the e:Jtpen- I I II diture required for the lawful purpQses of ,the oounty during 1940 showing the amount required to be raised for the undermentioned I purpose::.. I Administration of Justice 9,000.00 House of Refuge 5,000.00 Publio SO!lools 6,000.00 Officers' Salaries 5,000.00 I MeTab ers t Wages 6,000.00 I: I'" Oourt House Cormnissión 4.000.00 i,~ I, Iii Interest 6,000.00 ',I I;i Iii County RoadS 52.000.00 lí Chlldrenb Aid 15,000.00 Ii I: Hospitalization 12,000.00 ii' i: M:Lscellaneous 7,059.00 ii iji (' War Purposes 10,000.00 'I' ; :; $ 136,059.00 I' I Your Committee would recommend that the sum of One Hundred I and Thirty-six Thousand and Fifty-nine Dollars be raised on ~l the , I rateable property in the several municipali'ties of the County of 'Elgin <luring tha Y6a1'1940 ,fo.r County ;PUrlJOSes. anð, that a ra te of 4t mills on tho dollar be levied on rateable property in th6 several Municipalities in the County to raise said amounts. All of' whioh i8 respeotfully submitted. :m. Lashbrook Chairman Adopted .Tune 14, 1940.