1345 By-law No. 1345 To Ap:point Members to the,Board of Education of Aylmer WHEREAS the legislation of 1939 required the a:p:point- ment of ad,di tional trustees when requested by resolution of the Board of Education and VÅ’EREAS the Aylmer Board of :r~ducation has passed a resolution requesting that two additional trustees be a:p:pointed. The Elgin County Council enacts: T.hat R. Eo Wilson be appointed trustee to the end of the present year. That Leo Bodkin be appointed trustee to the end of 1941. Read a thirò_ time and passed at County Council Chamb ers , St T.homas this 14th day of June 1940. ¡1·4. ~ / ~ ' c .~- ..- ~ .... ,. . . Clerk Warden .,;- ---- OOpy OF RIDSOLPTION l, Aylmer, ont.. June 13.1940 At the regular monthly meeting of the Aylmer Boar~ of E~ucation. hel~ on the above date, the following resolution was passed: ~Moved by E. S. Livermore and seconded by Dr. J. B. Olarke that this Boar~ approves of the appointment of two additional members to the Aylmer Board of Education by the E~gin County Counoil as representatives of the County.~ . .;~. ..........""....""""...~SEC.:T.HE~ ,_~~,..r .-.---.-----.,--. - - AYLMER, ONTARIO D. M. PIi'NC',;IPAI. AYLMER HIGH SCHOOL E., H, ..