1347 :i .'., '" .., The county Counc.il of the Oounty 9f Elgin e¡;facts: ~ . 1. That Freder1ck Ingram be and is hereby appointed Keeper, and his wife, Ethel Ingram, be and is hereby appointed Matron 0' the House of Refuge to hold offièe during " the pleasure of ~he Council. 11. T~at the combined salaries of the Keeper and Matron " ,J' be and are heteby fixed at Fifteen Hundred Dollars per anum, ~" :"¡¡} payabJ,;e montij1y.. '." ,,', Illf}" T~at the said Keeper and Matron may hire or discharge all help re~uired at the Institution with the approval of the Inspector and the Chairman of the committee; the said hired help to be paid by the County. y,....:". ,,:,lj:Ihª,:t DQuglas L. Ewin, M.D. be and is hereby appointed ,.-'.' physioian of the House of Refuge at a salary of Two Hundred and Sev~nty Dollars per annum, payable ~uarterly. , V. That J.D. Thomson be and is hereby appointed , Inspector of the House of Refuge. ¡: VI. That a committee of three members of the council , ,(- bo be oalled the Standing Committee of Management of the House of Refuge be appointed annually at the first session in each year. Vll. That by_laws Nos. 1220, 1270 and 1295 be and are hereby repealed. Read a third time and passed at County council Chambers, st. Thomas this 21st day of November, 1940. "I"~'~ , .~ ,~ ¿ Clerk Warden ".. .~ ",,--'..~ ---. ~~-" r'"''c'''''"',w,''' ......:./:',:.;.,.,... ......', ¡¡' ,1 ¡ II " :Wi' "," ''''''~''~.'''''''.'''.-''.'''''''o>''C'-' By~;r.aw No. 1347 v .J., oint ol!fii~rs';of the of Refuge ',"""",""~ ".,.."'.9'''''='''''''''''''''"'>'''''~'""",',"''''''~''''''''''~'''=~''''''''''''''''''~~'~_