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The county Counc.il of the Oounty 9f Elgin e¡;facts:
~ .
1. That Freder1ck Ingram be and is hereby appointed
Keeper, and his wife, Ethel Ingram, be and is hereby
appointed Matron 0' the House of Refuge to hold offièe during
the pleasure of ~he Council.
11. T~at the combined salaries of the Keeper and Matron
" ,J'
be and are heteby fixed at Fifteen Hundred Dollars per anum,
payabJ,;e montij1y..
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Illf}" T~at the said Keeper and Matron may hire or discharge
all help re~uired at the Institution with the approval of the
Inspector and the Chairman of the committee; the said hired
help to be paid by the County.
y,....:". ,,:,lj:Ihª,:t DQuglas L. Ewin, M.D. be and is hereby appointed
physioian of the House of Refuge at a salary of Two Hundred
and Sev~nty Dollars per annum, payable ~uarterly.
V. That J.D. Thomson be and is hereby appointed
Inspector of the House of Refuge.
¡: VI. That a committee of three members of the council ,
bo be oalled the Standing Committee of Management of the
House of Refuge be appointed annually at the first session
in each year.
Vll. That by_laws Nos. 1220, 1270 and 1295 be and are
hereby repealed.
Read a third time and passed at County council
Chambers, st. Thomas this 21st day of November, 1940.
"I"~'~ , .~ ,~
Clerk Warden
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By~;r.aw No. 1347
oint ol!fii~rs';of the
of Refuge