By-law No. 1351
The corporation of the County of Elgin
A By-law to authorize the Central Pipe Line Company Limited
(hereinafter oalled the company) to construot, .use and operate
works for the transmission of gas.
FINALLY PASSED this 21st day of November, A.~., 1940.
WHEREAS the Company has requested the Corporation of the
County of Elgin, to grant to it a franohise or right of entering
upon the Highways now or hereinafter within the jurisdiction o:f
the said Corporation for the purpose of constructing gas lines,
works or systems for the transmission of gas, and the right to
construct, use and operate works for the said purpose.
AND WHEREAS subject to the terms and oonditions here_
after set forth, the Council of the .said Corporation has agreed to
grant the said Franohise.
BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the counoil of the Corporation
of the County of Elgin as follows:-
1. The consent, permission and authority of the Corporation
of the County of Elgin, hereinafter oalled "The Corporation" are
hereby given and granted to "The Central Pipe Line company Limited"
to enter upon the Highways now or hereafter within the jurisdiction
of the said corporation and to lay, eonstruct, maintain, operate
and repair such mains, and pipes therein as the Company may require
for the transmission of Gas in and through said County, together
with the right to construct, maintain and repair all necessary
regulators, valves,curb boxes and safety applianoes and other
appurtenances neoessary in connection therewith, and to construct,
use and operate upon the said Highway all other works required for
the transmission and collection of gas not intended for sale or
useexc.ept to persons whose lands abut on the highway, along 0:1:'
aoross whioh the same is carried or conveyed. SUBJECT at all times
to the conð,i tions set out in tb,e Agreement to be entered into in
perßuanoe to this by-law.
2. The Ward.en and Clerk of 1¡he liorporat ion are hereby
authorized and. empowered. to enter into and exeoute on behalf of
the Corporation an Agreement in the form hereto annexed and. to
affix thereto the oorporate seal of the Corporation.
3. This By-law shall come into foroe and. take effeot
immediately after the Agreement hereto annexed shall have been
executed. by the parties hereto.
/L ~ - ~...;/.~.~.
Warden Olerk
_ '_ Ý- ,Ø
~Cl;rk -
- - ..... ....
3. THIS BY...LAW shall come into force and take effect
immediately after the Agreement hereto annexed shall have
executed by the parties hereto.
2. THE WARDEN and Clerk of the Corporatmon are hereby
authorized, and empowered to enter into ãnd execute on behalf of
the Corporation an Agreement án the form hereto annexed and to
affix thereto the corporate seal of the Corporation.
1. The consent, permission and authority of the Corporation
of the County of Elgin, hereinafter called"THE CORPORATION"
are hereby given and granted to "THE CENTRAL PIPE LINE COMPANY
LIMITED" to enter upon the Highways now or hereafter within
the'jurisdictionof the said Corporation and to lay, construct,
maintain, operate and repair such mains, ~ndpipes therein as
the Company may require for the transmission of Gas in and th~ough
said County, together with the right to construct, maintain
and repair all necessary regulators, valves, ourb boxes and
safety appliances and other appartenances necessary in connection
therewith, and to construct,~se and, operate upon the said High-
way all other works ,required for the transmission and collection
of (gas:, not intended for f1ale or use except to persons whose
lands abut on the highway, along or cacross which the same
is carried or, conveyed. SUBJECT at all times to the conditions
se,t out in the Agreement to be entered into in persuance to this
BE IT, THEREFORE ENACTED by the Council of the Corporation
of the County of Elgin as follows:~
AND WHEREAS subject to the terms and conditions hereafter
setforth, the Council of the said Corporation has agreed to
grant the said Franchise.
WHEREAs the Company has requested the Corporation of the
County of Elgin, to grant to , it a franchise or right of entering
upon the Highways now or herelnafter within the jurisdiction of
the said Corporation for the purpose of eonstruetinggas lines,
works or systems for the transmission of gas, and the right to
construct, use and operate works for the said purpose.
day of November,
A. D. ,
A BY-LAW to authorize the Central Pipe
(hereinafter called the Company) to construct,
works for the transmission of gas.
Line Company Limited
use and operate
, OF ELGIN. )',
3. The said pipe lines shall be laid along the Highways ih lo-
cations and in such manner as shall be approved by the Warden
of the Corporation for the time beingt or the Road SUperintende~
or such other officer as may be appointed by the Council of the
Corporation for that purposet and the charges of such Wardent
Road SUperintendent or other offieer attending to give such
approval shall be paid by the Company. The Company shall file
a plan in the office of the County Clerkt showing the location
and depths of all pipe lines laid by the Company on all highways
under the jurisdiction of the County and shall file a similar
plan in the office of the Clerk of the Township through whieh
such pipe lines pass.
2. The Franehise hereby granted shall be for a term of ten (10)
years from and after the final passing of this By-law and so
long thereafter as the said lines are in actual use for the tren s-"
portation of Gas.
ation of the premises and of the performance of the covenants
and obligations hereinafter contained on the part of the said
CompanYt the said CorporatiOh does hereby grant unto the said
CompanYt its successors and assigns, full rightt power, permissio~
and oonsent to enter upon the Highways now or hereafter within
jurisdiction of the said Corporation and to lay, construct,
maintain, operate and repair such mains, and pipes therein as
the Company may require for the transmission of Gas in and
through said Oounty, together with the right to construct,
maintain and repair all necessary regulators, valves, curb boxœ
and safety appliances and other appurtenances necessary in
connection therewith, and to construct, use and operate upon
the said Highway all other works required for the transmission
and collection of gase not intended for sale or use except to
persons whose lands abut on the highwaYt along or acròss which
the same is carried or conveyed.
AND WHEREAS the said Corporation has, by BY-LAW passed on
the ~lnt day of November, A.D., 1940, granted the said franchise
from and after the date of the execution of this Agreement, and
has authorized and empowered the Warden and Clerk of the said
Corporation to execute this Agreement and to affix thereto the
Corporate seal of the Corporation.
WHEBEAS the Oompany requested the Corporation of the County
of Elgin, to grant to it a franchise or right to enter upon
the Highways now or hereafter within the jurisdiction of the
said Corporation for the purpose of constructing lines, works
or systems for the transmission of gas, and the right to con-
struct, use and operate works for the said purpose.
hereinafter called THE COMPANY
hereinafter called THE
made this
day of
9- UPON the termination of this Franchise for any euase what-
ever, the Company shall after Six months written notice by the
Corporation addressed to the Company, by registered mail at Chath-
am, Ontario, requesting it so to do shall remove its mains, pipes
and works from the streets and highways of the Corporation and re-
store such streets and highways to the condition in which the same
were previous to such removal and to the satisfaction of the Warde~
or the Road Superintendent. Provided that if such mains, pipes,
plants and works and all other equipment of the Company are not
removed by the Company within one (1) year after the date of maili
of such registered notice to remove, all such mains, pipes, plants,
works and equipment shall forthwith be forfeited to and become the
absolute property of the Caporation and dealt with or disposed of a
the Corporation may think proper, and for the sole use and benefit
of the Caporation, and the Corporation shall in no way be liable
to accountto the Company for anything so seised, possessed or
8. And the Company shall indemnify and save harmless the Corp-
oration against all actions or suits, all loss, costs, damages
and expenses which the Corporation may bear, suffer, or be put to
by reason of or in consequence of the construction, operation or
maintenance of the works hereby authorized, or any of them, or by
reason of anything done by the Company under the powers conferred
upon it by the By-law above ,referred to, or by reason of any fail-
ure on the part of the Company to observe or.perform the obligatio~~
imposed upon it by the said By-law, and will pay any judgment and
costs obtained against the Corporation in respect to any of the
matters aforesaid whether founded on negligence or otherwise.
7. The Company shall use all practical and proper means to
prevent the escape and leakage of gas from its mains, pipes and
the causing of any damage or injury thereby to any person or
property and the Company will make good to the Corporation and all
persons affected, all damage which they may be caused by the
works or operations of the Company or by reason of any leakage of
gas from the pipes.
6. UPON the laying down of the said pipe-lines or the con-
struction of other works hereby authorized, or taking any of the
same up, or moving the same from place of place in any Highway,
the Highway shall be left in as safe and good a state of repair
as it was before it was entered upon or opened, notwithstanding
that it may be necessary for the Company, by its agents, to return
from time to time and fill in the Highway when the same may have
settled to the satisfaction of the Road Superintendent of the Corp~
5. ALL REGULATORS, valves, boxes or any other applignces or
appurtenances used by the Company in connection with the trans-
mission of gas on the Highways of the Corporation shall only be
placed in locations approved ·roy the Warden or Road Superintendent
of the Corporation, or such other officer as may be appointed by
the Council for the purpose.
4. ALL pipe lines shall be placed underground below plough
depth if required by the Officers of the Corporation along the
sides of the said Highways in locations approved by the Officers
of the Corporation. Where it shall be necessary to cross any
such Highways the pipes shall be plaeed in conduits under the
Highway and in no case shall the surface of the highway be broken
for the purpose of placing gas mains beneath the travelled portion
of the Highway. All pipe lines shall be so placed or constructed
as not to obstruct or interfere with the use of any of the
Highways or to obstruct or interfere with or cause damage to any
sewars, water-pipes, drains, ditches thereon or therein or with
any works or improvements or repair thereof or with the roads or
bridges to properties confronting thereon. The Warden or Road
superintendent shall have the right to order changes in the
location of any pipe lines or other appurtenances if the same
shall be necessary for the better use of any Highway or for the
construction of drains or ditches or other works on such Higliways
10. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as giving or
granting to the Company an exclusive franohisefor any or all
purposes embraced herein.
¡;.. This By-LAW and the Agreement entered into pursuant there-
to is subject to all Statutes, orders, or rules made or to be
made by lawfully constituted authority having jurisdiction
in the premises.
12. This Agreement shall enure to the benefit of and be bind-
ing upon the parties thereto, their successors and assigns,
but this Agreement may not be assigned by the Company of the
Second Part EXCEPT with the consent in writing of the Corporation
of the First Part.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said parties have caused to be
affixed hereto their respective Corporate Seals and the hands
of their proper officers in that behalf.
SIGNED, SEALED and DELIVERED · The Corporation of the County of
a · Elgin.
in the presence of ·
· By:d~~~
~þ ·
· Waréten
· AND_BY.:-/- #:.. ~
· Clerk.
; Central Pipe Line Company Limited[,
~ BY:_ ~_.~~ .
- - - -
· President
: ~
· - - - - -
: Secretary