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~' k, ~01"i' ~ .' ) C:~~~£ A', j""c f"¡ f" ". r""r," r= ( ~. °VfT ,¿J " ..././) ,'. ~...?;{.- -----. 1. John D iJOImt:l 61' b i)I tl'¡l~ (!()þ:íf ()():fP!)1"fi~J1I)n en Thonison , EIßin . ø:l~ ·uy..1å.w IrQ.. t,Ìl(¡¡ 24 th ð~ of (il~l'.1.; or tho ()orpræQf:1on 01' th~ do honD.¡' tJØl'tif'.¡r thnt th~ fOl'O¡:tOilJit plul!!eð. by 't!M (JO'1f1<.1u' ot tilt) af,id January . 194a.. ~"cI--..41~,,~ Iii_._-"... (iI,¡¡;ng . ('1)W!laf; a.U he:ro~.v ~~~la(l. '. . (8) T!1t..'1J á O(>~g or thm bg.law ttp])I)s'nt:!J1f,!1 thø Cöu,nt.7F,ÓtHl SlIp~1"1nt!\'nð.~a~t I\!hall. ·~tX't!uum'Ì$.¡¡tGd .to . th\'JI }'!¡¡¡pt\l'tl'1lont 9f u1gl.l.lIIQ.1f~ ,'. . 'd:IIM.n thiflt,v ¡'toy!!!..o '!:tb.~ ~as111l?tlUJ:r~¢'I:f .linii 1:'I.¡10h.~P1.H)L'1t'l!'Jnt£~t~11 ~ø!U}3ø(ltt<l the ap:¡jIwð'lT!itl.()f the I,î1n1~t~¡:r.. t!tÍft :!;'afi)t'¡~íi . at St . Tb¡omas 24 4", 0.1' Jal11.tary A.1'>..llì4'1, (¡;'tl~ b.v-lt\\w shan (6) !J.Iha.i¡ C~!\(Uøl!!l the b.1-1t~t¥ß 1.~í'ftOtud.lilt~nt wUl~ thh $1~)."1ntf¡n/1l3nt ba and thl!!l t(~:fIr¡ .' . " O»'lht~t t~ßIIUt\b3.£') t):t't1C\iI in 1)hl\) COW'l.t.1 Ð\t:tld.h1b1 11'11 flh tl1~~ n(}~¡~)!1!~\,¡;:\'yr\);t'n11i~($ 1i.!.114 IíH!tI;lPlOOnt ¡'!I~l~ 'b;¡g, p:í1'P\·:l~~d :t'o:r btl1l tWill ~!jll tju~t 1L!~(}(~øa:t,v Ql<Ø:r!f,lnll'iu:¡Ð:iJ.rt;ancø ~all œ prøv!l.4$dbF·.t):i(¡J C¢1\.It1;ty. Of' oftloo t>f tho ooiii (.4}WbØ.t tbil. "'~l\¡¡.t.vo:t 9I!!undt):rdlcno:ttll~ øU 3t1.»I~~!nm~níi(i.lnt0hI)\U be 'lit",,! ØIIffJ Qf if 1200,00 ve't 1;1.M.!At,1 Ji,\€\ll~bl'" ~ntl¡1.'¡I) ~nd \t ~~t;¡e"U.9W!lt1G¡¡¡ (:It· 4~5¢ ,per t"I>1' theMq 0t' h!(';I<ítì:î'.' ~.1ð. .t:ï.'IÅ~n:tnq~ !iiI~~~$. mlle . . <,) !!:h~Ì1thl!l d\~Ujit.ø ðt ì~ f1jaittfJapf8:r1nt~nd\Jrm ~ha.:u.~ ~\l¡¡¡h. ~«I .~:t~ !!I()tQIJI) (l11'1:!'¡.1I,I <.øhedu1_h6:!'$tO. WhiO]) ~ßhtild\l.l~ to'fti$ 'þ1:11'" (it t111'# bp;"J.aw.. (a) .!i!hat .thø '.. Î!JaU.. .!$tlþ@;t."i.n'f.H¡~nd0nt. rJbaU, . aÇlt tmM:r t:t'.<O d1~øt~.0à 01' tiJ;i¡¡¡ ~b!l.v am?oil1t~d (Jutmty lìt)l!}d Cø!l1!1!1t1wl.'t MI}. Ð!lí41 in add1tion pe~'œJ¡¡ tl.U dtth_ .p$:Jrtd!11n£1)to'bh~ Ott1ØìJt ØfCø~l1 íi:n~t!1eø.:$,'.. .. (1) ~nt\!l' in th!> QO¡~nt,)t ot !ìOf1d ¡~.1~rtnt@nd~nt ø(>lmty of' 'It I'i" "'Ii>W"'¡¡"¥'";',,," 4. ,'" ,J.~,:~á,;,!,¡¡1¡;,4:'J..f~ ~,.¡~~.NJ;t Elgin t11a {¡o:!.'pø~.t:iOn øt i¡h$ is h$~bl ~naQt@d a~ tol1oW~;~ .... ." City· Freel. A. Bell or tXleftäxQt' st. .Thomas Elgin. and b 11Ø:roby !1!rpo:!.nteii (Immt.v t'O:rt~í!) aQ~n:_". ~t Elgin Er¡lU;~~¡¡;ì} by and PJm \W!lE1~J!lr~H' ¡¡:¡.'ovUiioll 1e. l'1I!ule lWðeJ.' ~ho H181ulll\W. Irop~'(IVa~llt lwt/to;¡> appo1n:h:b'1Il n J:!oad 2~~l'i!'ltønð."nt in whom $h~U 'twJ wJnted th0 adm1n10ti'ntlo.{l ~rld f!lIU!àgcI:!JØnt Of til0 Oøunt.¡r l~!(ad ;~,jIÐ11~¡¡:¡ f.:Itul who I!Jlt,all 11" £'Å. Ç¡œlUhd .I~ngia~«l!)'·. :!Uri ~ln~l~ItJ;¡!t 1.$ ~~"H:t.t1IaaX'.f lí\.ìldø;I'tj¡J~~4i(¡}nt to aþpø!1t1t no~~d Stt1'!iI;t1nt.;n(t(lnt f'fì'%tthl:lc Q<.¡¡U1t.l1<U'tElgin Ct)íJlr'l'l1' (>,F' A ELGIN n:r...t,Þ.1\I "I·n.>'.''';.'' '~"'''r'm h·...1¡> IiQ ~!'I1I¡J,~¡",...4",·J,~·",>f",.,J¡d~>i/O 11'01\ ...'" "t- '1i ,fii1-._~&.1ii<ò f50. 1352 0.4) ,~ó b$!.n dùt.'tne: tøn~ 11>£: oftl(Ø '\1M Q.~,~tød, øf. I:1nd to b~ :tØl'ilpOnl1li\,lf) :f'ur aU :p~nø. prufUì51th I!!\Ul~'lt~lMutfJ .äÞd ø,tS.!mil.t~.!;. as -.v t':rE.l. titl.1é to t1t~ 'b~ p:t'Qpa)1EHl tor th~ 11Ø~ "r th¡¡,) co\ud¡,v. (1,) !l!o ij~m1nì51. øb~CJIt ß.t)¡ìoe:t''\I:1t.v, all hilUs 017 !)j)($OI,mtli! ø.ga:Ì1'lst t)l~~ CQunt, :t'o~ ro!ì\,tø:ril.a), or la'lHJll1,' u~$d f<lr (JOIUlt, .~øø.ì1 wt¡,rk. (?) ~o PW})I!.\:r!il ow hmn prðpa:r(ld pll\U'~ for øe(ll'J11n¡¡¡ land or :t'i~ht.. o:/....wa't.u;r" èo¡mt:;r :road ;þ\1:f¡)I:'$(,ì1!J &;011 to $Q~ t:!1at tHl..ob plan~ I:!,~ proþ~wj ".iI)lr,1at&:.I.'4!l4. (10) !!1o ,¡a(l tM'!! 111,lwtrrlt~ ê\:t'1i) ~t~4. anI! thät tltQ.1 ~e ~1l@:t'tQJtl/>n $)'Øtl\u'rAUoal1Y IiIO tbo,t nO tUr.ø 111111 bEl lOl!!t 1n taking ¡¡¡ln1. teli1ln$. 'I.¡~'\Hkt! mil'! 1n80bin$ry trom one JIU'!t ofthl'þ 1JIW'11a1pa.:U. t3 to lànotha~. hI) !I1<.1 I$~ tb$,t nU. IllfflUdlQI1'1al. 'b;r14ge $11d øt\lveJl."t ta111U'IiII!I.an\1 oth<l::r. W:lf~r¡í@$n 40f$'ilillil ß.;¡?0 :Ii'(¡pdrød 01' £gl~\' X'¡dJ.ød llI1th thEi 1~>fU:01; þOI!l.l'!Ii b:).@ dølay tQ prevent f'1:r1:ht'll' 1n3u:t.'.1, VI) tb.ø :l."oa-ð af14 pwotect 1111$ t!1'~W~11U.ì1g 1)¡"bUJ.I; tl.l ìl;\tlt Pl'ornp'U' in a.n (j!U'l~Et Of ¡¡)mÐrg41U:¡O.1. (:1.10 Tø1«!)øp anauou:t.'$tø tE/O(í1'd Of tttRl t!1.('!n UY¡¡þ;!.O.1I'iIl'1 fW,d tÌ1ø 1lI!>~k d anð. to ftl.X'n:'l.~h Øfl ø.pP1>O'N1'l 1'(I~I\!. pay tSM*t~. I!I.UOiHmte. u.nd vo¡t(kIØ:t~ tho OOJltdi,'l IìQ~d 001111'111 tttee ß.t p:t:'op01' 1td$(tr'fttlt'! ;¡'O1." ap:¡;¡røval unl'!. l1Iiff,fìØ;!1It1t0 in. O:l\'d01' th¡¡¡,t 1,;110 CO¡tl1t$"~:rGa.~tI.X'a)l I1nd\';):¡:, IIhl'll tU:l.thol'ity of tha1:r approval I!I.tMl ~Q;ttUUl1ltø. l'itll''!. bEU,Uj 1iI1i1'U,iI!'l~d /!tIt to tin!!) OQ;t:røßll!.afA!\t ërt the ¡¡¡tat0mÐntlh ~y 1s.1>U.~ Qh,IIIQIA11Ianf(¡l:l\' '!in) ¡,'II)I.,VI'1lØn.t the)j (8) WI'.) mpä~ p:t.a~l$. p:rí)tU\~ß .and fI;¡¡~øU'it\l'~ti()n$ t'();r QOlm'll,¡r :rQ~d tlM øo!U\ty. b:l\'UtJ@ wfI:t!k. , If £111011 tll()1"kS,s. to b$ donI!) by Clonbf.lot to ftlrth{JX'!;!:wI$}'H'h'l'e t$I1,dar tOrl'lll\\ IUll:Ìø.ontRo1.l1!1 and 11'" $$etll:1.at the 1/IT(urk :h ~la.V$1"U~~d. 9:!o U...:!¡ ""rif! tabllla.'t1Ø tti'lndi&:rt'l :tl'!\II1$ivøc.t. $eottbì.g (>u.t Ma :¡?I\Hlt0nmøl1I.'hl1UÜQIJJ.¡\U ì'»t \I!I}~lt1h 1!1! i!li> bø })1>'iI!j(U1Mdh th~ ¢oant,¡r£~Ot,d. (ml\~1ttuø to%' ooueetla~.v llI(¡t:1on. TQ (11\'!»'tity to t}l~ Qompl¡¡¡Uot'l ot dl 1lI0:!!'!!: MI\1~»'tiUœn. (1) '1!~ obtQ1n. p:¡,,1¡)øl!!tl'.>:£t Z'<¡~íi ~¡:I¡¡¡¡dal¡¡¡~nð. atl,¡f btplmohal\i@î!'tI,¡r the CMltflt,v /inti ha,vf.~ ¡ut¡¡¡ii 1:11(1111.. OOltnt'~Q~d oø~ttt~~ tQ~ ne~~ß$a))'y ~~t1on. roað. mnah1nøry tc li!tlbrntt th($!!i to thq¡ , (6) '0 ~~}10Y 0))' di$øt~r@~ a1th~r äll ~~n. te~ åf~ t~~oltareqn1~od to l)~:r;of:¡)Mu..y 1'.1:1' tl1rouI'!hth$ tQ:fOI'.í'Ø I:tI:lT:r.v on tbl3 \I1O:rk.. 0)' TQ (Imp1Oy iH10h ;f'QX'0nønt !ltH'!hina Qpe:ratorlJlt änl'l hlSþ@otox'IiI as n\lì.,;¡r be :re(j)lt!'illð. t~¢Iì'' 1¡1u to time fðr' ~ aO:fPOH'II10n WQÜ IUlí1$:r hi~ j;of.l.trrol; fll1Qh ~'I'IJþ::r.GYðeÐ flQ be Sl1'b~~t,lll 1;0 di~mU(¡ll'll or tn&!.1!:t)i.'Ioø10.!'1 a'Ì! ~ny till'J$ by tbe t~l)pl3"1nt$ní'll!lnt Vlho \I!IUl fØwth'W1th "'Ij'þøril ß'jU,í31:i. {Uli'ltll:'.Ið$& (1X' t\H1$pG¥11!110n to "1;111$ Ccm:nt,;¡r ~~oad l.~oIYM1tt@~. (4.) :Co !ttt~U$1~t b$.r;¡r¡Jl¡)lfw~th.~ff$..c1ønt r_tl'¡,oð.~ of ¡¡¡ù.~qUAt$ll ottrllat:eI1<1t.if1ft Ii)n(iUla1ntd~t~(¡,ol"ntl'l:\fOài¡f ~ni tMOJ)I'Þt'Iì\t1ng I'.?~~ aU I!'Mh1nl))."Y ~(lil'bl th~ Inlan1ê1pdU,¡r. ' :l\'i1.Il1i <;n . !i1ØØIt.p~~...1!,$aE:l.:t1,. WC'ì'k of (lOfu:ítrlløt¡1øl1 ø.nâ :t:.'@þf~ir¡,) ínt 1'ol.\l~ I\\.ni b:li/'1J11lg~êw~,th1n !uldM(l~)."i1b$3ølJiJd1ot!Øft of thø Qli,nm.tl Qom;¡øt1. .. ."..', " .' .....'," .,.,..' , . . , (2) '.î1~1,'$p(l~t a. tJ¡,~ OOI1nQilthrl)~l'tt¡'ttè;(ol1Ut" $!f>ad íÌomm1tt$é!I .ar1y11l~l!\øh ~11\3!' ~. to 1Ih~' wø:Mí:'J!'~qu!~dto'l!' th~Qðm1n€t¡¡¡el1~l~n 1lI1th a ~t111iro!ì\,iH'Ø 01' i;ha (loot of., ~t'tQh w(~k. tlothe.t tM nGø~~Ii'II'.li\1'H' CI:Hmt,;¡r I~!\)ad. ;¡¡¡~~f!.iI,t tHZ". ~y..:r.a.llI fæ,¡f ."lWPWl)þE1:!¡'eJld tì?1",&tlbl1lil!lf:ì!1øn to ttil1l lí~~h!lt;\YIf: Y.!itP~t)møut:!."():í'~:PÞ.:tO~l fi!Qllt;Q(Ð.~,¡f(u:t; ~1i:I. ínø11Wl1,ofl10)1t10f 1!hØ (!()OMiI. wi,',i'tl,h, ~~"r~,' th<)"tQ,',~f!!Î," .~1!iI\'iIto p@~t(~~I~,.Ult buø1n'0.Fi!.fiI or oth,lI!i't t!,O)\,I1:1I3~ !1!t1~V 't,m,rel',!lt11!'$4.ì>;t" hI1ntrO)!I 1I11fl'i.\'o '111*~M4e:rth@ in!lt:t'liut$,ø!1 (>1' 'llhøCo l~nf:.l11.. ' (1) ,fQ«1'lrtì'ilQd,ø~¡tla.:r~~$t1nt~~ f>;t thf$ í;ìli>ftndl. (IX' I:'Ip~t:ta.l i1.IØ¡¡¡ttf.l¿jlt! :tf' øo (l<>øbEl!i b1íf '11M GØIUlØU. anð 1!111 jl1i9øt1m.r..ß of tll~ \}¡),mt, ì~,Q¡i!4, commUtaø; to ~øø','1'1!J :tn~fJru(t~otlli1 "B.Iltíu.ng VI()~1t to b§l ¡mMt:'teJ.W~¿'¡'l1t (I~:I:!~1tta onb1 Mm. (11$1) to Bpod 4>1:'11 il1i9tatlin,¡g1i! of t~'" CloUt.nail ()~ tbrøl?t'lb tM CommU't!~(fWln$ th0n$.np;!.'¡)g~øß.. )11!e!1i:k1 Olf );0/;.:0 ¡1JJ~j)j;J1InTiŒD!i.N'J: . , , (l')!Mø OÔlllþ1.v wlf¡~t hêpj,'ovhi&hsó~ !Vho n:t~hwØ1tI!ìÞ~øVÍiJ~et.tt i\.~t tA~{t 1ìñø MB'111~1¡~O~~Qt~hI$Dê1,)Qr~~.t\~ø:t'., fìigh~a.v$. tll'ld to .' . ,..' P,' :lt0Pi1ì1'," (i¡ ~md . sttbm:1t þ'.rØmptl:¡r to the Dépl!l,Jtlï.l!ìé)1t' àll 1"0powtli! that may 1?~'" 1'~ªU:l~4. (11.8) . ~Q reporll)to ~hØ 6ouriou. at'líhø !\ìnd ot è~~h~~! $huw1ng 1n\\$1I2U tMøl¡l1!.1"a~rt~1".(ø~tanllll)(1a:~løn9fan QotU!!t1"l.1o'1.l1on Or roo.btenànøìÍt 1IIiOrk Md-0rtsk'øn' /1!l:r!n~ thtil søaI\H>n.' ,. (It¡) .' .!I!ól!I¡;¡'pl¡Î1"vlli1ø,theÇl""'1ng/çtnôW,,~liIi'.Ii$an¡~ icN' r()~a$! ð,ul'ln~ 1'11'10 wtntør month'h ' ~!\~{11~g 01' :lJh@. (lÞ) "tl'ø ~:¡r;aI!ì1nï:'lOroaU:.l))ie~l'1Ii~1I19n:,o þ~ ilia ¡\I) into au.. Qomplalnt$ ot t\ßteottw roadways 01" dralnagr;;¡. 1'$,1'14 tø t$k~ fJuoh tI1(1as""2111 ~ ba,nø(!j)~¡¡¡lItr.v1!Q P~IiI~~ot 1¡~~.dl!~t 1iI~. ~h~ ".",'."', ,,'j QQ!1nty \';If, Elgin In ()~ on all pubUQ thòrOltghtarGIiI tm.d$:J' ,11;$'" 3~;i.l!!d1I:!U()n. ll')~o faportt"ronl tJ~!!I$ to 'bI!!1$ to tho Conaty (1ouncu. tlU'I>11G!h th0<'QAAti'fl~o$ð.Ø(lmll!:lU(\\$$n;v Qb!9l1l'!1øttl)nh~lnø.l ~~t in. (la.~rl1nl$' Ql1.t hie 1nlllt;C\1ß'\¡ionS anti, any IlJatto;c l1.Jon wh10h ha 1IIa:¡r :J'~qui1'lil ' IIt(lVlolllQr :1nIll11;'('Q<)t1one. ~loh$dl!l(i aont:1nl1l!11d'" . ...-', ..', ...... .-.-....--............-----