1366 ¡C ¿/í-', ttl.>~ - "fJ' /l1?c (/1'--- ,f7 <1 ;I tr,,1f.-'·~~ ;I.d, ,~I I: (fltl 94'" -I. '£1": , f ' ! Cl erk ! " t" (:¿,(A f¿ Warden Chambers Read a third time and . st Thomas this 13th day of June 1941 passed at county Council Plan marked A 7-21 . Highway diversion continued northerly as shown on a intersection with the western curved limit of the King's diversion as defined by deposited Plan No. D-59 to its Bayham from the western limit of the King s Highway across part of Lot 20 Concession Vll in the Township of Being a road extending northwesterly and northerly Bayham That the following . . road be reverted to the Township of The Elgin County Council To Revert a Hoad in enacts the TQwnshi~of Bayham . . Bx:-law No. 1366