1379 ¡ lJì I By-law No. 1379 WO.Confirm the Equalization of the Assessment Rolls of the County o,f Elgin for the year 1942. The Elgin County Oouncil enacts: That the following be the equalization of the Assessment Rolls of the County of Elgin for the Year 1942: Alilborough $ 3,705,658. Dunwich 4,048,205. Southwolil 5,104,276. Yarmouth 5,313,553. J\iIalahiile 3,440,976. Bayham 2,425,735. Sou'~h Dorchest,er 2,080,584.' Aylmer 1,585,082., Dutton 512,653'1 Port Stanley 942,889. Sp ringfi elil 184,874. Vienna 121,044. Roilney 421,450. West Lorne 348,366. $ 30,235,345. That this Council is willing to have the final equalization of asseSffment rolls, in case of appeal, made by the County Judge. Read a third time and passed at County council Chambers, st, Thomas this 22nd day of January 1942. r/.~~ IJ~.~ Glerk Warden ..,........ ~_______'.__.___,___._,___"__o>_. ..,_,,,. u_ ,--..._'. ______..____" _..'"_,_~_._____. -.--.._--------7---,-- __ ________ ":~:::':.::'::'~"-~"--"~"""'--"'-"-'~~ '--:;=':~;~i.c~~""COl:~';:¿71;~~J;~,:,:::~~~~j ;c.<:::·'~':::"=:.;;_.· -C';:::o'~'·"<'''';-''_..''':;4'-'7 - ""'.n"__/.'-=,.= ."'---.