1389 B,y-1aw No. 1389 To Gonf'irmBy-law No. 421 Of the Township of South Dorchester The Elgin Gounty Council enacts: That By-law No. 421 of the Township of South Dorchester to close all that p~t of thE:! highway ~nning across the ninth concession of the Township of South Dorchester between Lot Number One and Lot "B" be and the same is hereby confirmed. Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas this 12th day of June, 1942. I¿~ fI~ ~ Warden - - » '~---- " -.1-1' 1"~ cf!~c~_, 1c::¡!,·,t(A'A~~': / (j 0 ¿'. ~.¡~ Will the Council you kindly bring this matter To the attention of All notioes required ware ¡JGsted up. The Notice re olosing the road was advertised in the Aylmer Express for four weeks prior to the passing of the By-law and there were no complaint s or obj ect ions raised by, anyone in the T Gwnship Mr the approval Livennore, our solicitor thinks that of the Elgin COLlnty Council ¡ am enclosing a Township providing for the copy of closing it By-law 421 of South DorChester up of a road in the Township must have Dear '" ~:>lr '- . J.D.'rhomson Esq. Clerk, County of St .Thomas, Ont Elgin 'I }~w\ ]", M, S. CHARLTON Clerk and Treasurer Springfield, Ont,,______:Ka!.__3 U th .,_,.,...___19 42 BY·,I,AW NO 421 1J1' 1/ CORPORATION OF THE T(\WNSHIP OF SCH]TH ]){ìRC1!ESTER. Being a By-law for closing up, and stopping that part of a highway running across the "NINTH" concession of the said 'l'ownship between Lot One and Lot rB" in the said Ninth concession. WHERFAS notices of the Councils intent~on tc consider and pass this By-law has been posted for one month and upwards in six conspicuous places in the irmnediately neighborhood of the Highway proposed to be closed and published weekly for four weeks in the AYHiIEH EXPRESS,a newspaper published in Aylmer, near the Townshi:9 of South Dorchester, AND VnIEREAS the said highway proposed to be closed has not been generally used by the public nor maintained by the Corporatic as a public throroughfare, and it is therefore deemed expedient to have it stopped up and closed. , BE IT TIillREB'ORE ENACTED by the Municipal Corporation of the Township of South Dorchester as f 011 ows:- 1. That from and after the passing of this By-law and the approval thereof by the County Council of the County of Elgin, all that part of the highway running across the ninth concession of the Townàhip of South Dorchester, between Lot Number One and, :Lot "B" shall be stopped up and forever closed, and tne said highway shall cease to be a highway and the said part of the highway so olosed shall be disposed of, sold and conveyed as hereinafter provided, 2. FROM AND immediatly after the confirmation of this By-law by the County Council of the County of Elgin, and upon the payment of the sum of One Dollar within thirty days thereafter to the Treasurer of the Corporation by the part~es own~ng adjo~ning lands on both sides of the said Highway to be closed up, the Reeve and Clerk of the said Township may execute conveyances in f¡¡e slmple of the highw~y so stopped up and closed to the respective partles owning the adj olning lands, and in such proportion as the Council may direct, and affix the Corporate Seal of the Township to the àaid conveyances. 3. IN DID'AmT of payment by the said adjolning owners of th¡¡ sum above mention¡¡d wHhin the period aforesaid, the highway so closed up and st opped, and so directed to be conveyed, shall be sold and disposed of in such way as the Council of the Corporation may by By.'.law or resolution approve and direct. 4 Any By-,law incrJDsistent with this By-law is hereby repealed, Read a first, second and Third time and finally passed in open Council at Lyons this 5th day of May, A.D. 1942. Clerk Reeve. ...,_e,"",=-'~,",,"""':"_==.,..-~-_.,-,..,o---"--"'-"-- - Ii I It '1 1 !OTI "~-Q" TWL C~Q".!!"-~f!-QFJ![!:;" 6 tlt~' NOTICE iš hereby given that the Council of the Ccrporation of the Township of South Dorchester will at a meeting gf the Counc~l to be held at the Township Hall Lyons, on the f if th day cf Ms,y, A, D. 1942. c ommenc lng at the hour of TWO (2) O'clock in the afternoon, will consider, ahd if deemed advisclble, pass a By-law prcviding for the closing up of a Highway described as that road passing through the ninth Concession of the TOWnship of South Dorchester, between Lots Number One and uBu, ih the said Ninth Concession and to authorize, the conveyance of the highway so closed up to the Owners of the adj óihing lands or to such other persons as the Council may deem proper. AND F'uRTHER TAKE NOTICE that at the same time and place af oresaid, the Council will hear in person or by his Counsel, Sollcitor or agent any pe,rson who Clalms that his lands will be prejudicially affécted by the said By-law and who applies to be heard. Dated at Lyons this 23d day of March, A.D. 1942 H.G,Taylor, Reeve ]i/I,S.Char:Lton, Clerk ~ .k..,1tdnr~~r~' ,. £w:. f~·~~· æk~' 4~ µ tf'k ~ :r'" '/', . I ~,,;:d~ ,