1390 To Revert Portions of Roads in the Townships of Aldborough, Bayham and Dunwioh to the LooalMunioipal:\, ties The Elgin County Counoil enaots; :~ That the following portions of roads in the Townships of Aldborough, Bayham and Dunwioh be and are hereby reverted to the looal munioipalities - 1. In the Township of Aldborough - those parts of the road allowanoe between Conoessions 7 and 8 and that part of the Town Line between the Townshtps of Aldborough and Orford. 2. In the Township of Bayham - those parts of the road between Conoessions 1 and 2 and the road between Lots 10 and 11. 3. in the Township of Dunwioh - (a) those parts of the original road allowanoe between Lots 12 and 13 in the 5th Conoession north of A and the road allowanoe laid out between the Easterly part of Lot 12, Conoession 5, North of A and the Westerly part of Lot 13, Gore Conoession. (b) that part of the original road allowanoe between lots 12 and 13 Gore Conoession and that part of the road allowanoe laid out between the Easterly part of Lot 12, Conoession 5 North of A, and the Westerly part of Lot 13, Gore Conoession. (o) those parts of the original road allowanoe between lots 12 and 13, Gore Com ession. Said roads more partioularly desoribed in attaohed doouments, Read a third time and passed at County counoil Chambers, St. Thomas this 12th day of June 1942. I·d. , fI~. ~... ~ ... .. Clerk Warden "~'t -',>', · Of Aldbo3."ough. ALL AND aINGULAR thøse oer~e.1n pa7lOel Or tract of land I!Ind prem1ses. sitiuate. lying ând being in the 'I'ownahlp 01' Aldborougb.. in the County of Elgin and Province ófOntar10. baing ()om.poaed (If those, pa,1;'ta 01' the rood. allow- anoe 'between ConoElssions 'I $nd a. 1n th$ Township of Aldbø3."ougb. anclt.Mtput ø:l!'the Town 11ne between the '.T!()wnfi,lh1ps ot A1ð.'bcX'oùßh, a:nd o~orð. whieh may be more partioularly deFJQribed as follows:... COMMJ!iNQI.NGata PQ1n1; in thê Weat.erly11m1t of aide!!. Town 11ne 411i1tant Three Hundred and'.T!hl:ltty..thrée teet (333') m.e$$tWe4NortMrl1 thereon from its intet'ssotton w1 th 1;11$. Weste:rly produotion "f the Northerly :1.1..111$.1:. ot :t.øt .A, ßonøeal!liouS¡ 'f,HENC:E SQuth easterly øn aøurva to ~11ø ;Le.í"lh tM:rad$.U.$ ot wUoh 1s ':t'hreeH.W1dred and' 'i'1:1~rty..tbreè teet (5$3t) Md to which the viesterly 11m1t of said' TOwn: 11nE! and. tMNortharly lWt of ;Lot A, ConoessiOn e are tangent F1~ llund-red and Twenty tl:ll'eetaet (525') mo:t'e Q1" . less to a po!nt in the Northerly limtt 0'1: tot A. Oonoesa1on a wh10h b distant Two HunClred I1Uld SbtY-$even feet (2G'-) measu.red Jï:aaterly,thaX'eon from the North weat anglaof sa14 ;Lfjt'A¡ '.1.'RIDNOE Vlesterly along the N"wtherly limit of Lot AI Oonoessione. and Us westel"lr projeotion ThreE! 1iundred and Th1:t'1;y-tJlree teet (533') to s. p01nt 1n 1:¡he'iVester11 11m3,t ofsdd Town Line ì _NOE NOl'thel'J,y alone; the fi'SMrlY l1m1t of sdd Town :Una. Three Hundt'ed Md Tbl~Y..th1"ae ,teet (333') t() the place ot beginnlns. ÛA~~ ~ / ;LAND ammOR. 8t. '1IbOlJllaa. On'tari o. lune 4th.. 1942.. ILL___ -- June 4th. 1942. Concession 2 to the place of beginning. EXCEPTING thereout that Part of Lot 10, Concession 1 contained within the boundaries desc~ibe bove. ~. ~D D SURVEYOR, St . Thomas. Untario. which is THENCE Westerly along the Southerly limit of ~ in the Southerly limit of Concession 2; Lot n, Concession 1 and its Northerly projection to a point THENCE Northerly along the Westerly limit of said west angle of said Lot 10 ( . . 257 . ) measured Southerely thereon from a point in the North Concession 2 which is distant more or less to a point in the Two Hundred and Sixty-seven feet Westerly limit of Lot 10, are tangent. Six Hundred and Two feet and Four inches (502 . .4") Concession 2 and the Westerly limit of Lot 11. inches (482 .3 It) and to which the Southerly limit of Lot 10, Concession 1 radius of which is Four Hundred and Eighty two feet and Three intersection with the O~OT 10, Concession THENCE South easterly on a curve to the right , the limi t 1 . . feet (257 ) Northerly production of the Easterly . measured Westerly thereon from a point in its Lot 10, Concession 2. COMMENCING at a point in the Southerly limit of distant Two Hundred and Sixty-seven described as follows in the Concessions 1 and 2 and the road between Lots 10 and 11, 'rownship of Bayham, which may be more particularly being composed of all those parts of the road between of Bayham, and premises, in the County of Elgin and Province of Ontario, land situate ALL AND SINGULAR , lying and being in the Township that certain parcel or tract of Land to be réverted to the Township of Dunwich. No. 1 ALL AND SINGULAR those certain parcels or tracts of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the Township of Dunwich, in the County of Elgin and Province of Ontario, being composed of those parts of the origional road allowance between Lots 12 and 13, in the 5th. Concession North of A and the road allowance laid~ out between the Easterly part of Lot 12, Concession 5, North of A, and the Westerly part of Lot 13, Gore Concession in the said Township of Dunwich, which may be more particularly described as follows:- COMMENCING at a point in the Northerly limit of the road allowance laid out between the Easterly part of Lot 12, Concession5, North of A, and the Westerly part of Lot 13, Gore Concession, distant Sixty-two feet (62') measured Easterly thereon from its intersection with the Westerly limit of Lot 13, Gore Concession; THENCE Easterly along the Northerly side of said road allowance to its intersection with the Westerly limit of Lot 13, Concession 5, North of A; THENCE Southerly, along the Westerly limit of said Lot 13, Five Hundred and Sixty-six feet (566'); THENCE North westerly on a curve to the left, the radius of which is One Thousand Two Hundred and Twelve and Twenty-eight one-hundredths feet (1212.28') and to which is tangent the Westerly limit of said Lot 13 to its intersection with the Easterly limit of Lot 12, Concession 5, North of A; THENCE Northerly along the Easterly limit of Lot 12, Concession 5, North of A, to its intersection with the Southerly limit of the road allowance laid out between the Easterly part of Lot 12, Concession 5, North of A, and the Westerly part of Lot 13, Gore Concession; THENCE Westerly along the Southerly limit of last mentioned road allowance, Thirty-nine feet (39'); eg~ c£I ' THENCE North westerly to the plao. ST. THOMAS, aNT. June 4,1942. ____c.cr!:____~ LAND SURVEYOI II !~ i mo. 2. ALL AND SINGULAR those certain parcels or tracts of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the Township of D'unwich, in the County of Elgin and Province of Ontario, being composed of that part of the origional road allowance between Lots 12 and 13, Gore Concession and that Part of the road allowance laid out between the Easterly part of Lot 12, Concession 5, North of A, and the Westerly part of Lot 13, Gore Concession, in the Township of Dunwich, which may be more particularly described as follows:- COMMENCING at a point in the Southerly limit, of the road allowance laid out between the Easterly part of Lot 12, Concession 5, North of A, and the Westerly part of Lot 13, Gore Concession, distant One Hundred and Eleven feet (lllt) measured Westerly thereon from its intersection with the Easterly limit of Lot 13, Concession 5, North of A; THENCE Westerly along the Southerly limit of said road allowance to its intersection with the Southerly produc- tion of the Easterly limit of Lot 12, Gore Concession; THENCE Northerly to and along the Easterly limit of Lot 12, Gore Concession, Four Hundred and Twenty-nine and Twenty-five one-hundredths feet (429.25t); THENCE South easterly on a curve to the left, the radius of which is One Thousand Two Hundred and Twelve and Twenty-eight one-hundredths feet (1212.28t) and to which is tangent the Easterly limit of Lot 12, Gore Concession a dist- ance of Three Hundred and Forty and Thirty one-hundredths feet (340.30t); THENCE South easterly to the place of beginning. ~cJJ .. Land Surveyor. St. Thomas, Ontario. June 4th. 1942. No. 3 ALL AND SINGULAR those certain parcels or tracts of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the Township of Dun~rlch, in the County of Elgin and Province of Ontario, being composed of Those parts of the origional road allowance between Lots 12 and 13, Gore Concession in the Township of Dunwich which lies Westerly of a line which may be more particularly described as follows:- COMMENCING at a point in the Easterly limit of Lot 12, Gore Concession, distant One Thousand Two Hundred and one feet (1201') measured Southerly thereon from its intersection with the Northerly limit of said lot; THENCE North easterly ~n a curve to the right, the radi~s of which is Two Thousand Nine Hundred and Thirty and Ninety-three one-hundredths feet (2930.93') and to which is tangent the Easterly limit of said Lot 12, a distance of One Hundred and Ninety-eight and Sixty-five one-hundredths feet (198,65'); THENCE Northerly in a straight line to a point in the South easterly angle of Lot 12, Concession 4. ~. cJ?~ ~ / ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR. St. Thomas, Ontario. June 4th. 1942.