To Raise Amounts for Count Rates duri the Year 1942.
WHEREAS an estimate has been made showing that the SUlll of One Hundred
and Fifty-one Thousand, One Hundred and Seventy-six Dollars is
required to be raised in the several munioipalities for the lawful
purposes of the County during the year 1942 on the basis of the
equalized assessment as deter.mined in 1941.
AND WHEREAS the estimated amount required for High and Continuation
Sohool purposes baaed on maintenanoe costs for 1941 as determined
under provisions of the High Schools Act is Sixty-six Thousand
~ Seven Hundred and ThirtY_four Dollars.
Munioipality Total Equalized Value
Aldborough 3,7015,658 "
Dunwi ah 4,048,2015
Sou thwold 15,104,276
Yamouth 15,313,15153;
Malahide 3,440,976
Bayham 2, 4215 ' 7315'
, ,
South Dorchester 2,080,1584'
Aylmer 1,1585.082
Dutton 1512.6153
Port Stanley 942,889
Springfield 184,874
Vienna 121,044
Rodn ey 421,4150
West Lorne 348,366
$ 30.2315,3415
THEREFORE the Council of the Municipal Oorporation of the county
of Elgin enacts:
1. That a rate of five mills on thedollar be levied on all
rateable property in the several munioipalities in the Oounty of
Elgin as above set forth for the year 1942.
2. That the amounts required for Oounty and for High and
Oontinuation Sohool purposes as set forth in the following sohedule
be levied in the respective munioipalities during 1942 and paid to
the County Treasurer as by law required.
. Munioipality General Vooational Total
Sohool (Jounty
1st i 2nd i lsti 2nd i Rates Rat,e Total
Aldborough 3,194 2,836 1,000 276 7,306 18,528 25,834
Dunwioh 3,988 3,537 1,092 111 8,728 20 , 241 28,969
Southwold 5,026 3,693 1,377 2,177 12,273 25,521 37.794
Yarmouth 4,870 4,394 1,434 4,432 15,130 26,568 41,698
Malahide 3,287 3,917 928 144 8,276 17,205 25,481
Bayham 2,138 4,010 655 6,803 12,129 18,932
South Dorohester 1,775 1,921 561 4,257 10,403 14,660
Port Stanley 930 900 254 761 2,845 4,715 7,560
Aylmer 427 46 473 7,925 8,398
Dutton 144 144 2,563 2,i¡,Q7
Vi enna 32 32 605 637
SpringfieldC 49 49 924 973
Rodney 113 113 2,t07 2,220
West Lorne 93 212 30.5 1,742 2,047
25,208 25,208 8,159 8,159 66,734 151,176 217,910
Read a third time, and passed at County Counoil Chambers,
St. Thomas, this 12th day of June, 1942.
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Clerk Warden