1392 B,y-law No. 1392 To Revert a Road in the Village of Port Stanle . The Elgin County Council enacts: That the portion of George st. in the Village of Port Stanley lying between William st. and the road known as the Picnic Hill Road and the Picnic Hill Road across lots 1. 2. 3, 4 and 5 squth on George St. ,plan 117 be and are hereby reverted to the Village of Port StaDley. That by-law No. 1152 be amended accordingly. Read a third time and passed at County council Chambers, St. Thomas this 12th day of June 1942. I·!.·~ I?~~. ~ Clerk .'''''' \ ~~, . ONTARIO - DSPARTMENT·OF HIGHWAYS Toronto 2, July 27, 1944. Mr. J.D. Thomson, Clerk of Elâin County, Countt Buil i~s, st. Tomas, On ario. Dear Sir: Attached is a co¥y of an Order-in-Council which was Bassed on July 25th, 1944 0 approve By-law No. 1392 of your ounty . ' This aKproval deletes ~~proximatelY one half mile of county road in t e Village of Pox Stanley. Yours very truly, J .A.P. Mars hall, Chief Municipal Engineer. Per Attach: NWH!TM " ÇJe:ti'tU1$4., :N.~ 1:'611 t¡rt thl'! oQunty ()t:a¡l~ No. llå22 ôt thè Oøunty (It J{e~t No". 14'1' ,a.nd 14$0 Qf th~ un:í ved Oøu:ì1tiu of , NòrthU!ll.ì)EI;t'land and DU1'ham.. be re'tHJ.1ned as county RQaQ&U'" Upon thø :t1l9ooI!l!ll.Gnda;b1øn of the f{onøu.rable the Min1$te:r of H:l.ghwer1lh t1:ìe Oømmit'\1ee of oounc:i1 adv1øé that p'lU'suant to seotiQ.t'l :U, SM$èO'UQn 7. and $I!Iòtion M of 1;11. II:l.ghWa'3l' :.tmpl'ôvament ,hot, Ghapts:!(' ~6, 111.8·.0. 1957, YQu:!:' :!iQIlQU!:' apprOve thetøllow:l.ng :ßy..1aws Wll1i;)h w~:¡;>~ plillil$EHl to delete tf!om the Coûnty HOad system small ooction. of 11o!!.d$ wh:l.o;l:l an no long$:t' of ant:t':toi$nt impo1'tl.\X1Oe to daY' Of JUly, A.D. 1944. Hol'U)\U'a ble, 001'1 Of an OrdeJtt...1n"OlilUnøil apP:~ovè4 by dàlled the Lhutenant<-GI:W4I:t'!:IQt'. ONTARIO EXECUTIVE COLJNCILOFFICE th~ '11M 26th.