1402 last named QOI'¡¡þIU1.Y 'wl th the Corporation of the County of Iê1ginpursuant by said By..¡;',aw Nu¡¡¡ber 1197 and of the agreement entered into by ,the ê tenewa1 of t!1e said fX'anc;hlSE;i granted to Sout;hern Ontal'io Gas 00 .. , Ltd 3~ oo¡npany , has fiND "'{"'"''D'''A''' T> .' 1 " , ':1.É'.!1~ MOm..n ,on uly notified d the Carpor tion in wri ting that it desires Natural Gas Co " , Ltd. , the stlid amalgat)),s te duties 0:1: each of the liorporations so t'lmalgaruated, 00., Ltd. subject to all the liabilities, aontrl3,ots, r:ïi!,;;\bili,tie/'Ja,nd QO\J¡þ()se~ of ~l'he Dominion Naturál (iefHI 00 , Ltd. and southern Ontario Qas are vested in Domlnlon Natural Cas Co , Ltd , . ¡In aUlalg$,~\Ja,te corpora t1ol1 privU@gøs and fre.n()h1sel~ of' f00uthern Ontario Gas Co . , Ltd , beoam6 and 2. 1959 AND WT:r¡¡;REI\$ by Letters under The companies Aot ( ontario}, Patent issued Deoember the twenty-seventh Seotion 11 . the property righ ts , '':the ¡'ranohise h.,reb¡l granteãshall be tor 'the ,tex'!\l Øf 'ten yearl> from and after tr,\') firj.(Üpa~sing Qi'the 'by'" law, P)"Qvided that if at t;\nY time prior to thee;¡¡;pix'a'" tionot uid terlll 01' ten years or any renaw,al thereof, tlle C"mpany sMn notifY the Corpor¡,¡tionin wl'iting 1;hat i 1; ,desir(\'$ a);'r)Mwal théreof for a fUrth~~r period of ten years, 'the Gouno:i.1 may in its disoretion renewtl¡e l.ili\¡¡le from time to tix¡¡e ï'or iii further p,0ril)d not exceeding ten years, a't¡ anyone t,i¡¡¡e." things provided FJy...l,,*w Number 119'7 ,",ttaohed, in whiohf'l'aMhtse it was , amon.g other oonditlons agreem,ents and rGgu1ation$ !iH¡J'Q out in Sahedul,,) "fAN to sdd along or upon suoh. roø.¿(s or highways , as provided , subjeot to the terms \' , , rr.ailltdn a system of pipes fòr oonveying and distributing gas over t'rß.nohis,¡¡ WaS granted southern Ontario GI'H¡¡'GO . , Ltd. to oonstruot and 1. t11e WlillH:F;AS said C01'por!!.'tion by ¡y-Law Nwmber 1197 dùly þaàsed by the on the twenty-seventh day of ,;ranuf:lry counoil of . 1.933, a :ø'OLJ"OWI'J 'rHtt I COUNOIl, .. O}}' '¡'HE COFfirOl'ìft, HOIJI 0:8' ~tl1¡1; Gran Ung privileges Natural Gas Gom,pany COUNTY 01" , to Dominion Limited. ii:l.(;.IU Jí:NAC'l'S AS. :BY~IJ\W 'I'HE_. QOHPOHA'frON N1:JMBr~R 14,02 OJ!' ¡rHIU COUNTY OF ELGI:N 2 .... '~o :said By-I,&!w Number 1¡97 for a further period of ten year:s from and !!Ifter tha twenty-seventh day ot JanUary, U4:.? NO'11 :1.'HEB1J:FOFU!l the OounoU of tM$å1cJ. Corpora'bion. of "bne COUXí.tw 01:' J);lghl heI'ebyé:naò.ts t 1. '1.'hetranch:teé gràntNl by the said By"Law Jìhtmbè:r:t197 e.ncJ., the a!J;:r.e\1!XIl<1Jntt!ìe:reln ret'erred to are he:reby:r:enewad tor the 1)e1'1ocJ. 0;1:' 'lien ,years :from and, aftart' tM twenty..aeventh day of JanuarYt 194$. 2. ':t'hé Warden ill ha!'epy aµ"t;horized, empow¡¡¡red and ¿¡ireotep, tq €jXe... outè/';!:nð. d61,1v01' on Mhaj.:t' of thO! cø:t'porat1on of the Oount,v dElg1n and Ulld,Ø:t' its oorp.òra t6 $(HÙ OO\1n te;r$Ígned 1.1y the Cl$:I.'~ t, Iln ag:t'ee¡lløn t hi the :form se,t 1'o.:I.'th in th.e SchecJ.ule h.eret(j a.nilé,:x:ed upon the ð.e;t,1Ve:ry by D6m1:nion Nåt\.U'8I;'!. (}8I¡; co., 1td. Qf a cOu'nhrpâ:rt of said ag:tl0GH;J.ent \¡\m'1ê;r théseal 01' the said. ¡)om1niQ!l N0tu:ral Gas 00. Ltd, I, and the hands of its prQþerof'í'icil)!;ra in that Dehø.lf. l'J\F'¡Slí;P this 2200. d$.y Qf Ja nuary /I,]). 1943 . -/-4~ .¿ ~~ln_"¿ I ~_~"'fO-r¡~, <>¡<3 -('33 'X'f¡E $Cm~ )W,E .referrød to:tn theforego!ng bY"'law. MEMO'R1\NfYO:r1l! .oF ,M'!riiJ3):æMJ!1N~;' made 'i;M 22nd day ø1' Ja nuary ,1943 ., 13]J;'!'WBlúN i );)OM;rm::t9,~ t'iNI'~JJìI!L (j}AS oOM;EAm. LINj!';'111D. a Þøð,y cö:r::IJ0rat~a,na pö1:l.tic ò):'ganizad undè:r: the lawso:t' the Frøvin¢è of O¡î'IHll'io. herø:\.llåtter o&11$d the "CO!i1P¡'¡:¡;V", òf 'l;he]':\.:!;'I;!t Part, and 'l'j' Jij 00HPORATIQlI>O'Ji' 'I'm;; COUNtI'Y OF ]};¡:'Q;rJ:\f, Xle¡'e:\.nait'te;t> oâUØI'.Í ~'._", ........:........ .:....,....... ...,...... t!1e'IQo:t''Porat1øn'' øit' the SeÓond 'Vart. \ 11,{~!ŒA,0¡byBY"Le:wJ:\fUil¡):¡er l:L!;)/? 'PMS'fd Þy the CØUho;¡,1 of the said Oo!,þor8:!iionon. i¡J:¡ø twenty...¡¡evertth daY of ,Ta.nUary. 1<¡)33. afraMhise was grant,$d by said Oø:t'þoratipn to Southern Ontario Gas OOq Ltll., to t'\O!1st:rUct &nd m'(il,in'l;l!),ln Iii sys,tem of p;\,)ì~)S foroonveying SJ.nd diat:riÞl;\t;\,ng gas i:iI'veI'l ~,'lon¡¡¡;i~:t' upon øUli),h røaõs or ,\¡:ighwaysl a:¡; provided." subjeot to the ter¡t:$. conditions, agr$e!1lenh and regulro.t:lons set tlut in ~;¡ohedule "AìltO$Ilid By..l,!1\W Number 11$7 attaohe(1. 1\J!Ij) W'H~;1~EAi.S:~Y Ji,¢tte:rs '!?at¢nt iS$ue<l un.d\';!w '1'110 Qompanies Aot ((}ntt~rio) the franchises, righ,ts and prhilege¡¡¡ of Southel'n Ontàrio Gas 00.. ¡"td, beoame ¡m,d are vaåted in Do!rt!nion J!fa.tu:ral Gas OQ., J 1;1;<1" aÌ1 amalg&mat6CO!1lpaIiY madè up 0:1' the aaid South.$:rn ontí1lrio G$$ 00" Ltd. and Th" Dominion Na tw.'al Üa.s 00... L '\Jd", 1iI¡1(j. 't.I:¡e sdd Dominion J:\fa tUl'al GfH3 CQ., Ltd. ha.ß requestí\lQ. 1à renewt¡\l of the ßa:Ld ;f';t'I1\~l('Jhhe 1ànd agreeì1¡ertt ANI) WU1~F!$i\$ by 13y"'Law NUltlOel 1402 pas!õed 1;}16 22nê dllYO;f' Jen, uary I 1943 ¡ the se<ld ;f'ra.nøJ;1i$!¡I¡¡..nd ag:t'èement has been reMwed for the :Curther term of ti,¡n yea:t,'$ :t'rgm the twenty..seventlì day Qt' de<nuary. 1943) and these pres(mta are in fU1'therance of the said 13y"';¡:'aw NUmber 1402. NOWTHìEliJEl0!'JÆ tM Parths hereto, their sucoessors 4n,d IlSs1~s rt;;¡spect1velyhereÞy covetJ.ant.pro1111¡¡¡e and. agrèe each with the other as follows, '(;ha t is to say; 1,. ',t'he :r;vanohi$e g;¡;>anted by -¡¡he add. "By",,:r,aW NU¡¡¡ber l19'7 aM, the a~reemen,t th$Ï'ein :t'¢¡:t'eri'èd t<> are hElreÞy :reMwedtor the ]B~riOd Of ten. Y(\)6.r$ t:romartd after the twenty..seventh d.fl;\1' of <Ta.nuary, :\.94:3, upon tnê '11øI!l11S end condit:iøn,s m.utìòt;Ls 1!1.Q.tanq1s set i'crth :in Sa1é1 By..¡,awNUm.Þør ll\ì7. JB. The Oømp,any dQ th hereby dècJ.are 1'ba a<Jceptø,n¢E¡ ot' tl1;e $a1d We"" M,W¡Ü j 811d tor itself j its $UOeeSSors and $.ss1g11$, CoVønants and agrees with the 00:Uhty, its s\JMessors e.nd e.$s1s;ns thlilt it w111 l)(¡~rtorl'il, ob¡¡¡6r'l/'è end ¢olnj?J.y w1 th all the ag:reeménts, qbJ.1gs..Uons j te:r."\11$ and çonð£ UdIi.ø1n "tnê $aid renewal by..lê.\w conta.:1.ned, a.nd on its part to bepE!ír:i:'Þ:rr¡¡,ed, Ob.. served ø.tI.d complied 'with, and thl;¡ C01,J\ntv li\e~ri'i!es toobßerve and peI'1:'or11l th<9 $1.'.\.1d rêneWiÜ '\:)y..la.w a.nêt l;!ond1 t1.ons ¡O¡G) :['13.1' ,a.s 'l¡heSI'¡¡ne :relate to '\jJte!ll. ¡t;,N vnt'l'NJJ:ss \~fTIiUöOF 'Gb,e Cømpa.ny ha.¡¡ hereuntq ø.t,':th:.ed its cqrpó'rat$t ¡¡ea.l undEl1;> the Mnds .o:et11$ Vice 1?res:l.èient a.nd 8<\l;!re1¡!i\ry øt th$ åQlIlpa.;o,y and ti1e¥il\1.n1Q1J;)!\11 Cö¡¡!'pO'ri!(tion hl;\$ heråunto af:t'1:x:åd :l.tSQOrporaté sea.l MaeI' the ha.nds of the Wardan and Clerk of \1M Corpø:t'åt1on. SIG~n¡:J')j s:rn¡¡I.11:D JÜm D1~U'\l11)fæD ) POMINIONNATURAI.GàS 00MP~Nr, LIMITED in the pr~¡¡3enCe or ) ..~ ~. . . . ....-"...-...,~.- - 11¥ ) ,/ , , ) ) 131 - ) - ) ) 'l'HJ¡¡ Co1:'\1?OBA'l'ION QJi'Tli¡1i C0UNTY :1/ ~/ dÄ- ) / ) ) ) ~.~:;,,,,,," an (;wd- !!ðøm<M<mJ, .9"~, BRANCH - MAIN ST.. DUTTON .A/~, 6Ý'të, E. C. SAN DERS, K.C. EDRA SANDERS FERGUSON R. A. SANDERs, B,A. E. F. S. SANDERS. B.A. !7i !T~, (!Jnc., Jan. 18, 1943. Mr. John D. Thompson, Clerk of the County of Elgin, Court House, St. Thomas, Ontario. Dear Sir: -Re Dominion Natural Gas By-Law- Pursuant to the instructions of yourself and Warden Auckland, I have studied the proposed by-law of the Dominion Natural Gas Company 1td., and discus- sed the same with the Solicitor for the Townshi~ of Southwold and Mr. McNulty, Official Gas Referee, Par- liament Buildings, Toronto, and beg to advise you as follows: 1- The proposed by-law simply renews the terms and conditions of the previous by-law with a further period of ten years. 2- The Council has power to pass such a by-law without obtaining the assent of the electorate(see Municipal Franchise Act Chapter 277, Sec. 6, sub-sec- tion A.) 3- Possibly a committee should be appointed so I l -2- Mr. John D. Thompson SANDERS & SANDERS that We might discuss rates, length of term, and other terms and conditions. Yours truly, RAS/PM , DOMINION ·NATURAL GAS CCMPANY;LTb. 220 DELAWARE AVI¡NUE BUFFALO, N. Y. December 18 1942 Corporation of the County of Elgin By By-Law Number 1197, duly passed by the Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin, January 27, 1933, a franchise was granted to Southern Ontario Gas Co., Ltd. in which franchise it was provided: "(9 ) The franchise hereby granted shall be for the term of ten years from and after the final passing of this by-law. Provided that if at any time prior to the expiration of said term of ten years or any re- newal thereof, the Company shall notify the Corporation in writing that it desires a renewal thereof for a further period of ten years, the Council may at its discretion renew the same from time to time for a further period not exceeding ten years at anyone time." By Letters Patent issued December 27, 1939 under The Companies Act (Ontario), Section 11, the property, rights, privileges and franchises of southern Ontario Gas Company, Ltd. became and are vested in Dominion Natural Gas Co., Ltd. , an amalgamate corporation composed of The Dominion Natural Gas Co., Ltd. and Southern Ontario Gas Co., Ltd. , subject to all the liabilities, contracts, disabilities and duties of each of the com- panies so amalgamated. In conformance with the provisions of Section 9 'of said by-law Number 1197, duly passed by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin we hereby advise you that Dominion Natural Gas Co. Ltd. desires a renewal of -said By-Law Number 1197 for a further period of ten years from January 27 1943 ~., LTD. '/7~ VICf ~PNES¡DENr JH/vr