By-law No. 1409
To Raise Araounts for County Rates during the year 1943.
WHERHlAS an estimate has been made showing that the sum of One
Hundred and Fifty-one Thousand, One Hundred and Seventy-six
Dollars is requir~d to be raised in the several municipa~ities
for the lawful purposes of the County during the year 1943 on
the basis of the equalized asses~lent as determined in 1942.
AND WHEREAS the estimated amount required for High and
Continuation School purposes baseð. on maintenance costs for
1942 as determined under provisions of the High Schools Act
is Sixty-nine Thousand, Eight Hundred and Fifty-siX Dollars.
Municipality Total Equalized Value
Aldborough $ 3,705,658.
Dunwich 4,048,205.
Southwold 5,104,276.
Yarmouth 5,313,553.
lVIalahide 3,440,976.
Bayham 2,425,735.
South Dorchester 2,080,584.
Aylmer 1,585,082.
Dutton 512,653.
Port Stanley 942,889.
Springfield 184,874.
Vienna 121,044.
Rodney 421,450.
West Lorne 348,366.
$ 30,235,345.
THEREFORE the Countjloof the Municipal Corporation of the
County of Elgin enacts:
1. That a rate of five mills on the dollar be levied on
all rateable property in the several municipalities in the
County of Elgin as above set forth for the year 1943.
2. That the ænounts required for County and for High and
Continuation School purposes as set forth in the following
schedule be levied in the respective municipalities during 1943
and paid to the County Treasurer as by law required.
Munioipality General Vooa tiona'l Total
School County
Rates Rate Total
1st t 2nd 'Ì3' 1st iÞ 2nd .¡¡, ,
Aldborough 3,213 2,921. 1,173 311 7,618. 18,528. 26,146.
Dunwioh 4,012 3,479 1,281 122 8,894. 20,241. 29,135.
Southwold 5,056 3,961 1,615 3,234 13,866. 25,521. 39,387.
Yarmouth 4,899 4,778 1,682 4,660 16,019. 26,568. 42,587.
Malahide 3 , 307. 3, 753 1,089 138 8,287. 17,205. 25,492.
Bayham 2,150 3,669 769 6,588. 12,129. 18 , 71 7.
Sou. Dorchester 1,785 1,955 659 4,399. 10,403. 14,802.
Pt. Stanley 936 842 299 850 2,927. 4,715. 7,642.
Aylmer 502 54 556. 7,925. 8,481.
Dutton 162 162. 2,563. 2,725.
Vienna 38 38. 605. 643.
S:pri ng fi eld 58 58. 924, 982.
Rodney 133 32 165. 2,107. 2,272.
West Lorne no 169 279. 1,742. 2,021,
25,358 25,358 9,570 9,570 69,856. 151,176. 221,032.
Read a third time and. :passed at county Council
Chambers, St, Thomas this /0 ð¡¡l1y of June, 1943.
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Clerk Warden