1418 By-law No. 1418 A By-law for Granting Aid to Certain Patriotio Organizations wi thin the County of Elgin WHEREAS it'i's deemed expedient to assist oertain Patriotio Organizations funotioning in'the County of Elgin, AND WHEREAS by virtue of Chapter 266, Seotion 404, Subseotion 32, R.S.O. 1937 and amendments to this Seotion 404A in the 1939 amendments thereto, the Coun~il of a County is empowered sUbjeot to the approval of the Deputy Minister of Municipal Affairs, and of the Organization of ,Resouroes Committee as therein designated THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Munioipal Counoil of the Corporation of the County of Elgin as follows: 1, That the sum of $10,000. be inoiliuded in the estimates for the ourrent year to be levied as part of the county Rate and that said money be set aside for assistanoe to suoh patriotio organizat1l:0na as oomply oUlly with the requirements of the speo:ial oommittee of this County Council, appointed to administer and distribute the said fund among such patriotio organizations as have been duly registered under the War Charities Act of the Dominion of Canada. 2. That said speoial committee to be known as the "Speoial Was Purposes Committee of the County Council" shall be empowered to requèsition funds not exceeding the said sum of $10,000. as requivedfrom time to time as approved by the said Committee for such purposes, upon being satisfied that eaoh patriotic organi- zation has oomplied fully with the requirements of the Law as then pertaining. That the said Cornmittee!have authority to make inquiries and require compliance with such application forms, as they ma y see fit to determine, the boJ:).a fides and, regularity of each application received jromany patriotic organization. 3. This by-law shall not take effect until it has recei ved the approval öf the Deputy lvIinister of lvIuniciIS-l Affairs of the Province of Ontari,o as provided in Section 404A of the amendments to the Municipal Act. Read a ,third time and finally passed at County COUD0il Chambers, St. Thomas this 21st day of January 1944. ;.4: f f4 ~ . . . . . . . Clerk Warden