1422 ..-.-. -:.~~ ..__._-----..~.- " - the approval of the l)o]ì[cœtm.ent qf Munioipal AffaiJ~s . not be expended. pledged or applied for any purpose without 4, THAT the - monoy raised for the said Heaerve Fund shall Mlmicipal .1\ f:t'àlrs. a¡Üd aooount' only' wLI;h the approval of tho Departinent of 1944. and shall be disbursed , inveshd. or wi thdrawn :from the Üos 19nated 'Post War Heservo Fund , on or before Deoember: 20th, seotion 2 shall be dej}orJ Hall in a speoial bar~ åccount 3. 'rHAT the said - total sum of $50,000. as provide(lf'or In hex'ete . estimates for the purposes described in Schedule fA f attached 20 ',THAT the total Surll of - ~~130 . 000 . be rJ1'ovided in the 1944 improvements in þ\1bÜO \VarIes. use aft Ol" the wal' in pl'oviding and necessary replacements of or 1. THAT ,a - reserve fund be established maintained for 01 jUgin enaots," THillHEE'OHE theCQunc 11 of the Corpora1; ion of the County f1ltthorized the pa Bsing of this by~law; AND WHERJilAS the Department of Municipal Affaire has neoessary ¡,'eplao6ments of or improvem.ents in public works , , åuôe of Ii reserve :fund for use after the war in providing to,provj.ò,e in the estimates for the establishment Or mainten.. ancl with theap:vroval of the Depart.ment of Municipal Affairs ~llEREAS seotion 316 (a) :Þ'::' thè öonnen·'. ineåch year for the of The Munic1pal Act ~uthorizes duration of,the present war of a Reserve Funð. A:By-law tor the By-law Establishmønt and Nb. 1422 !i1aintenance rl':t'~W,"!<'!IT'!¥""''1>f1IM!i~~1'i'"'~411('i~o/) 1'116 COX'lwration of' the County of Elgin ! - 2 - 5. THAT the al!(U tor of the l11unic;Lpali ty shall certify - " to the :Department of Ml!nicipül Affairs, not later than March 1st in each yeal' iu such form as the Department may prescribe, the position amI t¡'ansactions of trie said. Reserve Fund. Ô. THAT a copy of this by~law be filed with the De;pa:r.·tment at Municipal Affairs and the Bank in which said monies mentioned in section 3 are held. 7. 'TfIAT this by-law shall come intofroce and take effect upon the date upon which it is approveã. by the Depa:r.·tment of Municipal Affairs. Read a first time and passed in open council this 21st day of January 1944. Read a seoorul time and passed in open Oouncil this 21st day of January ,1944. Ret.\Q a thió1:d time and pe,ssed in open Council this 21st d(iy of¡ranuury 1944. ( ~/.~.. . ¡í Warden ..¡.~. Approved by ])epartment o;f' Munioipal Affairs on the '1? day 1944. A By~law for the Establishraent and Maintenanoe of a HeseI've I~und Schedule "An Ueserve Fund PurpOse Amount Highway aild Bridge Oonstruction $50.000.00 --_.~- -- ------ ~ .~_.,- ,- TH~:; CORPORA'rION OF THE . qqtFrl¡y. OF )JìJ, ¡¡;~If By-law No. 1422 A By-law for the establishment aIla maintenance of a - _,__-.o___'__'"~Ø"'_"'·"'_'."·"_'''__~___'"__~__ Be}3 8 £..!.~_~:Wun dd ?HEREAS section 316(1'1) of The Municipal Act authorizes the council in each year for the duratior¡ of' the present war and with the approval of the Department of Euni c ipal Affa'irs to provide in the estinatos for the establishment or mainten- ance of' a reserve fund for use after the war in providing necessary replacements of or improvements in public works; AN~VvHF.RJ~~B the Department of Municipal Affairs has authorized the "Dassina of this by-law; .. t..., THER·E.FO.:"lJ:~ the Council of the Corporation of the . . . . . . Qqtp¡:1¡x . . . . . . . . of , " ~~¡~~IJ... .. .. " .. Q .. " .. . .. . .. " enacts,- 1. ·TH~.1. a reserve fund be established and maintained for, ,use after the war in providing nec~ssary replacements of or improvements in public worlcs. 2. ~ the total sum of '" 50 000. be provided in i¡þ... .'...." .'........." the 194 estimates for the purposes described in Schedule "An attached hereto. 3. .'lliA1: the said total sum f ~ 50,000. as provided f,or o . , " .. , " , .. " " .. in section 2 shall be deposited in a special bank account de- signated ·Post War Reserve Fund" on or be~ore December 20th, 194 , and shall be disbursed, invested or withdrawn from the said account only with the approval of the Department of Municipal Affairs. 4. THAT the money raised for the said Reserve Fund shall 1: ('I t be expended, pledged or applied for any purpose without the approval of the Department of Municipal Affairs. 2 5 THAT the auditor of the municipality shall certify ~- to the Department of Municipal Affairs, not later than March 1st in each year in such form as the Department may prescribe, the position and transactions of the said Re- serve Fund. 6. THAT a copy of this by-law be filed with,the Department of Municipal Affairs and the Bank in which said monies mentioned in section 3 are held. 7. !£ß! this by-law shall come into force and take effect upon the date upon which it is approved by the Department of Municipal Affairs. Read a first time and passed in open Council this...~~~~......day of ?~~~~~Y........1944. Read a second time and passed in open Council th' 21st d f ..{~~~~fY......1944. 1S.............. ay 0 Read a third time and passed in open Council th' 21st d f . . ~~~':~~¥.. . .. .... ;1944.. lS............. ay 0 . ( SJ~AL ) -/-4 Approved by Department of Municipal Affairs on the... ..day of..... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. 194 . A By....I..AVV- FOB. Tl~E ESTABJJIS:ì~Ml~NT AND NL~..Il.\fr.L1ENi'!.lTCE 0]' A R:E~Sh£tV1~ -FUND SOHEDULE i1A1? ._-,---~--'- - RESE:8.VE }rUND purpose __M______--.·~_,·__~·_·____ Highway and Bridge Const~uction , i I i , I I \ \ i I I I Amount $ 50,000.00 ~ ,!¡ >. '" '" ,S ,~ " o '" 1J «: ...... '¡:;j..... o ~ g . _ 0 ö 8. il. Q . Po Q «: . 1J Q " . '" a " z ~~ "- .... ( '" 1 I I i I ~ ¡::¡ 'ô >- I- :::J « c- O Z ::> ~ L.ù c z => LJ.. ..., " < r¡ ~ ~ A """- .~ ~ " "" '" 'S ~., ::! 0 ~ . '" ""~ '" ~ Cr,\ tj 0 Cl) ~.;...~ ¡:; ~ ~,~ 'H ,~",!õ. o ::C!;:3 ~ oj " ." toO ~~ R. r-f ~ ~ ö 0':) § ~ >=i "" - .S ~~f§ ~ ~~ ~ Cl) ..s:::: IS <:" r.IJ. <:.J §~ f..< ~?.â '" I.,., "" "'..... § ~ '" ~ "" E-< ¡;¡"" C) 00 t:: 'iiJ 2;~ ¡:: ,~ ;¡:; .s '" '" '" " " "' õ . . o Po " " p., ,,; ... '@ :ti < g, '[3 ,~ >=i " ~ 'S 1:: S ~ g 'S '" '" " ... o 'H "" '" > ... '" '" '" ... ~ o OJ .., '" " '" A rn ? '" . -a :§ " " o Po a g «: Po Po «: 1 ~ ~ ..,. o m -; Õ '"Ø ......~ u ~ ~ ...... ¡:: '1j ~ CO? " . "' '"8 t u '" . Q , ~ / , i I I I i i i I i i i ¡ I ! (~