TO CONFIRM By-~aw No. 1.289 of: 'the Council. of: 'the Township
of Malahide for s'topping and closing up and conveying
allowance for road being part of lot 20 Concession 3
of the Township of Malahide and for fixing and declaring
the terms upon which the same shall be disposed of and
WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Malahide did on the 6th
day of December 1943 finally pass their By-law No, 1289 to stop
up and close that part of the said Road in the said Township and
hereinafter described, and
WHEREAS by subsection 6 of Section 495 of the Munic ipal Act it is
enacted as follows:
"A by-law of the council of a township, passed under
the authority conferred by clause (c) of subsection 1,
in t he case of a township in unorganized t erri:bory,
shall not have eny force unless and until approved by
a JUdge of the District Court of the district in which
the township is situated, and in other cases unless and
until confirmed by a by-law of the council of 'the county
in which the township is situate passed at an ordinary
meeting of 't;he council held not sooner than three months
or later than one year after the passing of the by-law
of the council of the township" and
WHEREAS the said Tcmnship of Malahide is situate in the County of
Elgin end the said Council of 'the said Township have applied to
this Council to pass a by-law confi1'ming the said by-law No. 1289
at the current, ordinary and regular sittings of this Counc il
commencing on the 13th day of June A.D., 1944 the same being held
not sooner than three mon't;hs nor later then one year after the
passing of said by-law No. 1289 of the said Council of the Township
of Malahide and it appears proper that the said by-law, shall be
AND WHEREAS, Public Notice haâ been given as required by the
Municipal Act, by having said notice published in the Aylmer
Express Newspaper for four consöcutive times end, also by a
Proclamation posted in conspicuous placés near the property, of
the intention of the Council to pass a by-law for closing and
disposing of the said road allowance..
.AND w.a:EREAS no complaint or objection to the proposed by-law
has been received by the Council 1'rom any person or persons
whose land might be prejudicially e1'1'ected thereby.
.AND WHEREAS the Council have agreed to close and dispose 01' the
said Road Allowance as hereinbe1'ore described,
That the allowance 1'or road, being composed 01' that part 01'
Lot Twenty in the Third Concession more particularly described
as 1'ollows:
In the Township 01' Malahide, in the County 01' Elgin and
being composed 01' that part 01' Lot Nillltber Twenty in the Third
Concession 01' the said Township more particularly described as
1'ollows: CÅ“aMENCING at a point in the Northerly limit 01' the
said Lot distant 165 1'eet westerly fi'om the North-easterly angle
thereo1'; thence westerly along the Northerly limit 01' the said
lot 49 1'eet 6 inches; thence southerly parallel to the easterly
limit 01' the said lot 462 1'eet; thence easterly parallel to the
northerly limit 01' the said lot 214 1'eet 6 inches to the easterly
limit 01' the said lot; thence Northerly along the easterly limit
01' the said Lot 49 1'eet 5 inches; thence westerly parallel to the
northerly limit 01' the said lot 165 1'eet; thence Northerly parallel
'/,¡;o the easterly limit 01' the said lot to the place 01' beg:!..nning,
be and the seme is hereby stopped up and closed, and the land given
to the property owners, whose lands adjoin said road allowance on
the east and north thereo1'; said property owners to pay all costs
of conveyancing etc.
AND IT IS FURTHER ENACTED: That the Reeve of the Corporation 01'
the Township of Malahide be and he is hereby authorized and
instructed 1'or and on behalf of the said Corporation to execute
and attach the Seal of the Corporation to said Deeds of Conveyance
of the above described lands.
Read a third time and passed at County Council
Chambers, st. Thomas this 15th day of June, 1944.
-j. ¡j" ~ ~
Clerk Warden
Passed in Open Council at the
TOWN of AYLMER. County of
ELGIN thi$6th. day of Deoembe:¡;>
THAT thiS By~law come into fU11 force and effeot immediately
after having been confirmed by a By-law of the Counoil of the
County of Elgin.
AND b!; it further enacted, that the Reeve of the Munioipality
be and he is hereby authori~ed and instruoted for and on behalf
of this Corporation to exeoute and attaoh the Seal of the Corp-
oration to said D!;edsof oGnveyanoe of the above desoribed lands.
TBEREFOREbe it enaoted by the Municipal Counoil of the Corp~
oration of the TownShip of Malahide, that the allowanoe for
road, being oomposed of that part of Lot Twenty in the Third
Conoession more partioularly desoribed as follows:
In the Township of Malahide. in the County of Elgin and being
composed of that part of Lot number Twenty in the Third Con@
oession of the said Township more partioularly desoribed as
fc;J.lows; CØMMEN,CING at a point in the Northerly limit of the
said Lot distant 165 feet westerly from the North~easterly
angle-thereof; thena. westerly along the Northerly limit of
the said lot 49 feet 6 inohes; thenoe southerly parallel to the
easterly l1mi t o,f the saidlpt 462 feet; thence easterly
parallel to the northerly limit of the said lot 214 feet 6
inohes to the easterly limit of the said lot; thenoe Northerly
along the easterly limit pf the said Lot 49 feet 5 inches;
thenoe westerly parallel to the ncrtherly Jdmit of the said
lot 165 feet ;thenoe NortherlY parallel to the easterly limit
of the said lot to the place of beginningg be and the same is
hereby stopped up and olosed$ and the land given to the property
owners, whose lands adjoin said rpad allowance on the east and
north thereof; said property owners to pay all oosts of opnvey~
anoing ete"
AND ViliEREAS. the Cpunoil have agreed to olose and dispose
the said Road Allowanoe as hereinbefore desoribed.
AND WHEREAS. no oomplaint or objeotion to the proposed BywLaw
has been received by the Counoil from any person or persons,
whose land might be prejudicially ~ffeoted thereby.
AND WHEREAS, Publio Notioe has bå6n given as required by the
Municipal Actf by having said NOT¡CE published in the Aylmer
Express Newspaper for four conseoutive times and"alsobya
Proclamation posted in oonspiouous plaoes near the property,
of the intention of the Counoil ,to pass a Ey-law for closing
and disposing of the said Road allowance.
BE¡NG a By~law for stopping and olosing up and conveying alloww
anceforroad being part of Lot 20 Oonoession 3 of the Township
of Malahide and for fixing and declaring the terms upon which
the Same shall be disposed of and conveyed.
/ h c¿'1