1427 " TO CONFIRM By-law No. 1114 of the Counoil of the TOWDS;j¡!.ip of Bayham to olose up road allowance on the south hall of Lots Eleven and Twelve in the Eighth Concession of the said towDShip.. WHEREAS the Counail of the Township of Bayham did on the 15th day of Betober 1943 finally pass their By-law No. 1114 to olose up a road allowance in the said Township and hereinafter described and WHEREAS by subsectiòn 5 of Seotion 495 of the Municipal Act it is' enacted as follows: "A by-law of the counèil of a towDShip, passed under the authority oonferred by clause (c) of subseotion 1, in the case of a township in unorganized terri:bory, shall not have any force unless and until approved by a Judge of the District Court of the district in which the township is situated, and in other cases unless and until confirmed. by a by-law of the council of the county in which the township is situate passed at an ordinary meeting of the oouncil' held not sooner than three months or later than one year after the 'passing of the by-law of the oouncil of the townsp;ip" and WHEREAS the said Township of Bayham is situate in the Oountyof Elgin and the saidOounoil of the said Township have applied to this Council to pass a by-lawoonfirming the said by-law No. 1114 at the current, ordinary and regular sittings of this Counoil commencing on the 13th day of June A.D., 1944 the same being held not sooner than three InGnths nor later than one year after the passing of said by-law No. 1114 of the said Counoil ,of the Township of Bayham and it appears proper that the said by-law shall be oonfirmed, AND WHEREAS notioe of the proposed by-law has been published at least once in four oonseoutive weekly issues of the Tillsonburg News, namely of October 21, October 28, November 4 and Novemberll as required by the Munioipal Act, no personwhose~ands affected thereby has applied to be heard by the Oouncil or raised any objections whatsoever thereto, THEREFORE IT IS ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF' THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN:- Caluse No.1. That the said road allowance which is more particularly described as follows: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township af Bayham, in the County of Elgin and Province of Ontario, being composed of Parts of the South halves af Lots 11 and 12 in the 8th Concession af the Township of B¡ryham,being a strip of land about 90 links wide and which may be more particularly déscribed as follaws: COMMENCING at a point in the Southerly limit of said Lot 12, distant TWENTY CHAINS (20.00) measured Westerly thereon, from the South east angle of Lot 13,Concession 8, Township of Bayham; THENCE North 8 degrees 1 minute West, FIVE CHAINS AND SEVENTEEN LINIŒI (5.17); THENCE North 11 degrees 53 minutes West, SEVEN OHAINS AND FIFTY THREE LINKS (7.53); THENCE North 59 degrees 41 minutes West, EIGHT CHAINS AND EIGHTY SEVEN AND ONE HALF LINKS (8. 87i) ; THENCE North 9 degrees 31 minutes West, EIGHT OHAINS AND SIXTY SEVEN AND ONE HALF LINKS (8.57i); THENCE North 84 degrees 09 minutes West, THREE CHAINS AND ONE HALF LINK (3.00i>i THENCE South 55 degrees 23 minutes West, THREE CHAINS AND TWENTY EIGHT LINKS (3.28); THENCE North 81 degrees 57 minutes West, SIXTEEN CHAINS AND FORTY 'fHREE LINKS (15.43); 'lHENCE North 59 degrees 27 minutes West, ONE CHAIN END SEVENTY ~'WO 1IND ONE HALF LINKS (1.72i) more or less to a point in the b:li: Westerly limit of the said lot 11, di stant SIXTEEN CHAINS 1IND SI:¡œy ONE LINKS (15.51) measured, Southerly thereon from its im ersection with the limit between the South b.a.ld and North half o1! said Lot 11; THENCE LINES C. 92) more or less to a point distant THIRTY ONE CHAINS AND SIXTY NINE LINKS (31.69) measured Northerly along the Westerly limit of said Lot 11 from a point in the South westerly angle of said Lot 11; THENCE South 59 degrees 27 minutes East, ONE CHAIN AND THIRTY THREE ilND ONE HALF LINES (1. 33-i) ; THENCE South 81 degrees 57 minutes East, SIXTEEN CHAINS AND NINE'l'Y 'fWO kND ONE HALF LINIiS (16. 92i) ; THENCE North 65 degrees 23 minutes East, THREE CHAINS .AND THIRTY LINIiS (3.30); THENCE South 84 degrees 09 minutes East, TWO CHAINS AND FIFTY SEVEN AND ONE HALF LINKS (2.57i); THENCE SouGh 29 degrees 06 minutes East, SEVEN CHAINS AND NINETY EIGHT .AND ONE HALF LINKS (7. 9ai) ; THENCE SouGh 9 degrees 31 minutes East , ~LVE êHAINs llliD TEN LINIiS(12.10) ; THENCE South 59 degrees 41 minutes East, EIGHT CHAINS AND NINETY AND ONE HALF LINKS (8.. 90ft) ; THENCE South 11 degrees 53 minutes East, SEVEN CHAINS AND FIVE LINKS (7.05); THENCE South 8 degrees 1 minute East, FOUR CHAINS AND EIGHTY FIVE LINIiS (4.85) more or less to a point in the Southerly limit of said Lot 12; ifHENCE Sout;h 81 degrees 57 minu'l;es East along the Southerly limit of said Lot, Ninety links (.90) more or less to the place of beginning. BE AND IS HEREBY STOPPED UP AND CLOSED. Clause No, 2 - This by-law shall take effect on the date of the final , passing thereof. Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas this day of ;Tune 1944. ·I..J!··~ ~ .'............ Clerk Warden ----------------- -_.----------------- ;:$1 .J("..,. (1" (;$,,1?); .,. " " ~;,1(¡'i~,. .j,¡ ,~t" ""i'~' ~i~.¡>' ""',~f,j\ "~ "~~n f''<') \:Jht",;j'~~~.¥J:, ~ H, 4&. 111:1.1',; (:'If l~ot. 1" :: ,$J;t il,HAl '~ ' (~!~ ð<!?l ,,1 of I,., ~ "'''i! 'it¡¡,.',;t;~ i! t~~ ' I.~J: t,ü t~~ 11 ,61.;1:. ,. \;1 p;o~~aiQn of' ¡ ai f~r %" ¿;) :r.¡JfJl o:r d,£~~~4~~lb;~i1 '. '" :t04t¡O~'ì;{j;: '!;!.'" ,\;0.. ).. i~* 1 1;t¡ å 1J lv..'" ~ tiMet ¡,r I)!>j ~:. . ~. . ,,'" ','. . ì:$i:ln;'t;:tJ:·t7$Vti~l'of- th'lJi;¡:'i'iif}o. ",J'.'" ,t ",1 'Û~¡,.....·,;",\;¡;, , '~''li '¡¡h:¡",·"h.., 'I.jI, -If, ""W~<f'~} by (:~~(1 11 (J1'f nl) \'~llQlì~ ,,4,..,},.. i\,:a4);::'Y'i'¡;Ù Or.' ba J,:r¡Ft jUflíalÆi¡,llr l"ìíli\i,.t'~d by ~h\i.í .. ~u. ~. 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