1431 By-law No. 1431 To Hevert Roads in the TowIlShips 01' South Dorchester. Ma lahi de , Yarmouth and Bayham The Elgin County Council enacts: That the following portions of roads in the various townships be and are hereby reverted to the local I!lIIDicipalities: 1. South Dorchester - Being the road allowance between lots 12 and 13 Concession Xll in the Township of Dorchester South ex'tending southerly from the eastern boundary,of the King's Highway as shown on a plan deposited in the Registry Ofn ce l' or the Regi stry Division l' or the County qf Elgin as No. D 97 to and extending westerly along the road allowance between the Townships 01' Dorchester South and Malahide to the said eastern boundary of the King's HighWay. 2. Malahi de - Being the road allowance between Lots 10 and 11 Concession LX in the Township 01' Malahide extending northerly from the western boundary of the King's Highway as shown on a plan deposited in the aforesaid Registry Office as No. D 99 to and extending easterly along the road allowance between the Townships 01' Dorchester South and Malahide to t he said western boundary of the King's Highway, all of which is as shown on a Plan Marked A.7-24. 3. Yarmouth - Being that part 01' the Mapleton Road extending northerly alond and adjoining the line between Lots 17 and 18 in the First Range North of the Edgeware Road in the Township of Yarmouth from the Western boundary of the King's Highway as shown on a plan deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division for the County of 'Elgin as No. D 96. Thence Northeasterly continuing along the said Mapleton Road across part of said Lot 18 to the said western boundary 01' the King's Highway, all of which is as shown on a plan marked A.7-25. 4. Bayham Being a road extending northerly along and adjoining the line between lots 12 and 13 Concession 11 in the TOYilllship of Bayham in the County of Elgin, from its interseotion with the western toundary of the King's Highway as shown on a plan deposited in the Registry Offioe for the Registry Division for the County of Elgin on the 5th day of January 1935 as No. 46, to and extending easterly across past of Lot 13, Conoession 11 in said Township to the Northern boundary of the King's Highway as shown on said deposited Plan No. 46 and further shown on a plan marked A.7-23. Read a third time and passed at County Counoi1 Chambers, St, Thomas this 15th day of June 1944. /Æ ~ ~~ Olerk Warden Œ~~~ The Clork. The County of Elgill. ,St. Thomas. Ontario, --------------- 'V. Roohemont. Legal Offioe. LE (Miss) CGU'~::¿ A. Yours "Being a road extending nOrtherly along and adjoining the line between lots 12 and 13 Conoession II in the Toymship of Bayham in the County of Elgin. from its interseotion with the western ,boundary of the King's Highway as shown on a plan deposited in the Registry Offioe for the Registry Division for the County of Elgin on the 5th day of' January. 1935 as No. 1.¡6. to an~ extending easterly aoross part of Lot 13.,Oon- oession II in said Township to the nqrthern boundary of the King's Highway as shown on said deposited Pla11 No. 46. and further shown on a Plan marked A. 7~23." truly, Pursuant to the proviSions of The Highway Improvement Aet, Revised Statutes of ontario, 1937, Chapter 56. Seo. 59, ss. 2, the following portion of highway reverts to the Munioipality previously liable for the maintenanoe and repair of the highway, or within whioh the same is situate, ten days after the date of Order-1:a..counoildated January 25th. 1944# ~ Dear Sil'l ReI Reversi0l!..2!. Hig;hw.a~s,- Oounty of _~;'!t~E!.. 2nd, Toronto, 1i'eb. 1944. P~AFtTM$NT Ç>F Hl~HWAY$ LE The Clerk. The COllilty of. Elgin. st. Tharoas, Ontario. Yours truly, ~~.__~(l (Miss) A. V. ROOher"o:;. ~ Legal Of.ßae......,._ THIRDLY: Bei~' that part of the Mapleton Road exteruU-ng northerly alon~ and adjoining the line between Lots 17 and 18 ren the First Range North of the Edgeware Road in the Township of Yarmouth from the Western boundary of the 'Killg's Highway as shown on aple.n deposited in the Registl'Y Offioe fol' the Registry Division for '~ho County of Elgin as No. D 96. Thenoe Northeasterly oontinuing along the said Mapleton Road aoross part of said Lot 18 to the said we stel'n boundary of the King's Highwe,y. all, of. whioh is as shown on a Plan marked A.7-2.5.« FIRSTLY: Being the read allowanoe betvreen Lots 12 and 13 Conoession XII in the Township of Dorohester south extending southerly fro¡n the eastern boundary of the Killg's Highway as shown on a plan deposited in the Registry Offioe for the Registry Division for the County of Elgin as No. D 97 to and extending westerly along the road allowanoe between the Townships of Dorohester South and Malahide to the said eastern boundary of the King's Highway; SECONDLY: Being the roadallowanoe betvreen Lots 10 and 11 Conoession IX in the Tawnship of Malahide extending northerly from the western boundary of the Kiag t s Highway as shown, 'on a ,plan deposited in aforesaid Registry Offioe as No. D 99 to and extending easterly along the road allowance betvloen tlw tow:nships of Dorohester South and Malahide to the said western boundary of the Ki9j'S Hj,ghway. all of whioh is as shown on a Plan marked A.7~4. Pursuant to the provisions of' The Highway Improvement Aot, Revised Statutes of Ontario. 1937~ Chapter 56. Seo. 59, SSe 2, the following portions of highway reverts to the Munioipalities previously ~iable for the maintenanoe and repair of the highway. or within 'whioh the same is situate, ten days after the date of Orders-in-Counoil dated May 26th. 1944:- Dear 8ir: Re: Reversion of Hi~]wffiYS DEPARTMENT OF H!GHWAYS Toronto, June 6th, 1944. in.