1432 1:'/'" 11"1.'1 r ;\1 1,li' W ;i il II 1:1: '!~ ',8 , r . To 'ovide for the Granti at: Permit in MoviIJg VYVehicles. Loads. ects o~ Structures. THE MUNICIpAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ENACTS AS ,FOLLOWS: L.. No heavy vehicle, load, object, building, structure or contrivance, exceeding the limits prescribed by Sections 17 or 35 of: the Highway Traf:f:ic Act, Chapter 288, Revised Statutes of: Ontario 1937, shall be moved upon wheels, rollers or otherwise over or upon any highway under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of: the County of Elgin unless and until a permit has been obtained f:rom either the County Engineer of the County Assistant Road Superintendent or this County Council. 2. The granting of: such permit shall rest solely in the discretion of any of the above mentioned authorities, and shall be subjeot to suoh conditions, regulations, restriotions privileges, oovenants and bonds as the granting authority deems proper in each particular oase after eonsidering all of the ciroUlIlstanoes.' 3. That by-law No. 1420 be and is hereby repealed. Read a third time and passed àt,'County Counoil Chambers, St. Thomas this 15th day of: June 1944. /~; I ~ ~ Clerk Warden I' I II ·1' "', II'i ,:1'1 I ¡ii I, I I , i ? !I 'I Ii I ,) By-law No. l432 TO.Provid,e for the Granting of Permits in Movinß Heavy Vehicles, Loads, Objects or Structures THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIl. OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. No heavy vehicle, load, object, building, structure or contrivance, exceeding the limits prescribed by Sections 17 or 33 of the Highway Traffic Act, Chapter 288, Revised Statutes of Ontario 1937, shall be moved upon wheels, rollers or otherwise over or upon any highway under the juriàdiction of the Corporation of the County of Elgin unless and until a permit has been obtained from either the County Engineer or the County Assistant Road Superintendent or this County Council. 2. The granting of such permit shall rest solely in the discretion of any of the above mentioned authorities, and shall be subject to such conditions, regulations, restrictions, privileges, covenants and bonds as the granting authority deems proper in each particular case after considering all of the circumstances. ' 3. That by-law No. 1420 be and is hereby repealed. Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas this 15th day of June 1944. J D. Thomson J. C. Gilli e s Clerk Warden Approved this 61 7 day of ~ 19 ')t <fC Pun;uant provisions of the FHghwav :ø4 MINISTER ,oF HIGHWAYS ~ ¡?¡=~terð, Ýbácämø, .A/~ 14 SOUTHWICK ST. E. C, SANDERS, K,C, EDRA SANDERS FERGUSdN ,9t!JX01nað, (!)nt., R. A,SANDERS, B.A, E. F. S. SANDERS, E!~A. April 21, 1911,4·· Mr. J. D. Thompson, Court House, St. Thomas, Ont Dear Mr. Thompson: Pursuant to our various conversations concerning a by-law for moving houses etc. over County roads, please find enclosed, herewith; 1- Original by-law No. 1420 executed by yourself and Warden John C. Gillies. 2- Copy of newly proposed by-law. 3- Letter from the Department of Motor Vehicles dated April 18 approving of this newly drafted by-law, We trust that this by-law will meet with your approval and if so it should, of course, be passed at the next ses- sion of t.he County council to replace by-law No. 11120 Yours truly, SANDERS & SANDERS, BAS/PM Ilill'.I''l iJ,f'" . II: ::! !~ BY-LAW NO. IJ(j A By-Law to provide for the granting of permits in moving heavy vehicles, loads, objects or structures. ~'r THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. No heavy vehicle, load, object, building, structure or contrivance, exceeding the limits prescribed by Sections 17 or 33 of the Highway Traffic Act, Chapter 288, Revised Statutes of Ontario 1937, shall be moved upon wheels, rollers or otherwise over or upon any highway under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the County of Elgin unless and until a permit has been obtained from either the County Engineer or the County Assistant Road Superintendent, or this County Council. 2. The granting of such permit shall rest solely in the disc¡;,etion of any of the above mentioned authorities, and shall be subject to such conditions, regulations, restrictions, privileges, covenants and bonds as the granting authority deems p:r'ope!'" in each particular case after considering all of the circumstances. Read a first time this day of June, A.D. 1944. Read a second time this day of June, A.D. 1944. Reas a third time and finally passed this day of June A. D. 1944. .d.~ l' . ~€5'¿ Ø-.ee> . . . . ... .. . . . .. . . . County Warden ,-