1437 ,I í I I By-law No. 143'7 Re Assistant Corn Borer InsDectors - .--- for_El.ß;iJl. CouIl!z The Elgin County Council enacts: 'rhat the wages of the ,Assistant Corn Borer Inspectors for thEi' County of Elgin shall be sixty cents per hour while engaged in their duties as Inspectors. That the said rate of wages shall apply for the year 1944. Head a third time and passed a'l; County Council Chambers, St 'rhomas this 23rd day of November 1944. /4. ~ .¿/~ ....... .. Clerk Warden ------ 'r.L.Kennedy:pwm /~Æ Minister of Agriculture. very trul;,r : Inaccorq.ance with the provisions ,of the Plant Disea~es,i,~ct and amendI,nents thereto, I b~g t,o give my approval: of Ey-law No,. 14;37 of the County, o:t¡ Elgin enacting that "the wages'of the Assistant CQrn :¡3orer In- spectors for the County of Elgin be sixty cents per hour while engaged in 'their duties as "Inspectors and that the said rate of wages shall,apply for the year 1944. ~ I Yours , Dear Sir: Mr. J. D. ~~omson, Clerk, ' County of ~gin, St. ~~omas,:Ontario. I Toronto, Onté,rio, December 18th, 1944, ONTAR~~ ,i;" Of A6R~c """,- & ~ ,'<,>. :it c:. ...., .,...rt ;:;: ,M