1452 j'.... .'..,..'¥""~";- ¡ /. ~., Clerk . . Warden . Chambers Read a third time and passed at County Council , St 'Ehomas this 22 day of June 1945. made by the County JUdge. eQualization of assessment rolls , in case of appeal , That this Council is willing to have the final Aldborough Dunwich Southwold Yarmout h Malahide Bayharn South Dorchester Aylmer Dutton Port Stanley Springfield Vienna Hodney West Lorne $ 28,241,838, 3 368 ,401. 3,624,170. 4,641,826. 4,854,549. 3,393,662. 2,444,724. 1,894,656. 1,587,468. 494,584. 950,672. 123,742. 130,902. 358,784. 373.698. Holls of the County of 'rhat t;he fol101lving be the' eQualization of the Elgin for 'bhe year 1945: The Elgin County Counci 1 enacts: Assessment of thE,U2£unty of El.gin for the Year 1945. To Confirm the EQualization of' the Assessmerrb a*"",",~'7''''_'~~'''_"_-:';-''''''''''''.£~'~''f'~_'_"~_~:'''''__$___~~~-'';'-''''--'- r·p'..·'·······..,,·'''·'"_-'.··,·,··''''·~·,·.. .".. , By-Law No. 1452. Rolls