1453 ·~. the Oounty ':Creasul'er as by law required. Oontinua'tion levied be in the resþeo'i;ive munioipalities during 1945 and paid to Sohool purposes as set forth in the following sohedule 2. That the amounts required for Oounty and for High and Elgin as property above set forth for the year 1945, rateable in the several munioipalities in the Oounty of 1. That a rate of five mills on the dollar be levied on all of El'gin enaots: THEREFORE the Oounoil of the Munioipal Oorporation of the' Oounty Aldborough Dunwi oh Southwold Yarmouth lVlalahide Bayham South Dorohester Aylmer Dutton Port Stanley Springfield Vienna Rodney West Lorne <it, ~p 28,056 3,320,851. 3,623,88l. 4,632,712. 4,847,105. 3,333,608. 2,421,176. 1,893,259. 1,587,808. 491,846. 950,880. 123,398. 130,603. 354,335. 345.273. 743. $ ~ioi . Total Equalize4 Value. Nine Hundred and Eighty 1~vo Dollars. ~nder provisions of the High Sohools Aot is Sixty-four 'l'housand Sohool purpo ses based on maintenanoe oosts for 1944 as determined AND w:s:mREAS the estimated amount reQuired for High and Continuation ment as determined in 1944. the Oounty during the year 1945 on 'the basis of the equalized assess- be raised in the several munioipalities for the lawful purposes of ana, Forty Thousand Two Hundred and E:Lghty Three Dollars is reQuired to ,! WHEREAS ~,~~~jt,~<~'e:-~:1.~---"~~~-'-~!I----_. an estimate has been made showing that the s WI! of One Hundred To Raise <' l\r!lOUtr'0 s ,.........<~ -:":'-"4"''-~·'''~~~::'''''' B _ Law' No. l453. for,Oount Rates durin!" the ear 194!5,,, Municipality General Vocational Total Oounty Total School Rate Rates 1st t. 2nd -k 1st -}. 2nd -}. Aldborough 2,887, 3,551 1,041 308 7,787 16,604 24,391 Dunwi ch 3,622 3,593 1,136 246 8,597 18,119 26,716 Southwold 4,632 3,237 1,453 2,790 U,112 23,164 35,276 Yarmouth 4,509 4,353 1,523- 4,035 14,418 24,236 38,654 Malahide 3,237 3,388 1,045 ,85 7,757 16,568 24,425 Bayham 2,168 3,490 750 58 6,485 12,105 18,592 Sou. Dorchester 1,538 1,407 594 3,539 9,466 13,105 Pihrt Stanley 950 524 300 513 2,487 4,754 7,241 Aylmer 498 412 910 7,939 8,849 Dutton 154 110 264 2,459 2,723 Vienna 41 41 553 594 Springfield 39 39 517 555 Rodney 112 135 247 1,772 2,019 West Lorne 108 108 1,726 1,834 23,543 23,543 8,803 8,803 64,892 140,283 205,175 Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, st. Thomas this 22 day of June, 1945. -;; , I~ ' ~6 < ~ ~ ."':7 ~ , . ~. ' .6. "'.... . . . . ... . . . . . .. . ' . . . . Clerk Vvarden 'I[ (I