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BY";LAW Nill.qJŒR 1456.
A BY-LAW providing for the removal of objects from
roadways or lands adjoining roadways.
The Council of the Corporation of the County of
Elgin enaC'GS as follows:
1. Eit¡her the Engineer or Road Superintendent may enter
into an agreement with the owner of any lands adjacenttQa
highway under the jurisdiction of 'the councLl' for the remQval
of any tree, shrub, brush, hedge, fence, signboard, gasoline
pump, building or other object growing or standing on the
highway, or (m lands adjoining the highway and which may
cause the drifting or accumulation of snow or may injuriously
affect the highway or obstruct the vision of pedestrians or
drivers of vehicles upon the highway,
2. Either the Engineer or Road Superintendent may
enter into an Agreeroont with such owner as to the amount of
compensation to be paid for damages caused by reason of such
3. Either 'the Engineer or Road Superintendent may
apply 'to the Judge of the County Court of the County of Elgin
for all relief provided for in Sub-sections (3 )and.',(4) of
,Sect ion 87' of The Highway Improvement Act Chapt~r 56, R. S. o.
READ a first t,ime this d(>.y of June A. D 1945.
READ a second time this day of June, A. D 1945.
READ a third time and finally passed, June A. D. 1945.
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