By-Law No. 1457.
To Design~Count~ads.
'1'he Fagin County Council enacts:
Tha t the roads hereinafter set forth be designa tedas
County Roads:
1. Town Line between Malahide and South Dorchester
from intersection of Road No. 40 in the Village of
Springfield Easterly to Hsintersection with the 'rown
Line between the Townships of Dereham and South
2, 'I'own Line between South Dorches'Ger and Perehall,'
opposi te Concession 12, South Dorchest,er.
3. Road between Lots 3 and 4, Q¿nc~ssion ~W,
South Dorchester.
Read a 'third time ánd passed at County Council Chambers
St. Thomas this 22nd day of Ju..l1e 1945.
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