B"·,Law No, 1458.
Designa'tis>n of Su1:mrban Roads.
v~1EHEAS the Suburban Road Comraission of Elgin County
has desiþ;na:ted the following addition and reversion
of County Roads in the Suburban road System
THEREFORE the ]:lgin County Council enacts:
That the Talbot road East in 'the township of
Southwold froD! the Westerly limits of the Village
of Fingal westerly to the townline between the
Townships of Southwold and Dunwich be reverted to
the County of Elgin,
And that the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission
assume jurisdict;ion over County road between l,ots
seven and eight Concession eight in the, township of
Yarmouth from Wellington Street Southerly' to' its
intersection with the Union - Sparta County road
between Concessions three and four.
Read a third 'time and passed at County Council
Chambers, St. Thomas this 22nd day of June 1945.
/4..4J¡ . ~
Clerk ',ifarden