1460 Bg~Laì:v \To J_460. f.ro J~ut,horize t.he 'iJai'(leD. and Cle:ck tosir~n -'--<~"""-'--".·P'^"''''·---·'''''''------'-~~-··'-·-·~-''-"-'·-"---."----~----."---~..."'~~...~..- ~h~_~-__~ oD:~~_:LJn·{L;L('lnð. ~~_2._~l~~~;£.f:8 PO\'Jl~~~ .,1he ~UD.Cii.L Coun-c'Jl Council On<:1ctis: ::ChClt "GJ1e ',Ia.:cc1en D.üd Ole}:'}c ~!~re hOI"eby 8:u:lil1or:l zed to s1gn deed conveying two acres of Hathaway f'arI.ll to (}eorge Powles. Ir~l.e land bei:u.g mo:ce 1)L1.rt.:tcularíly Cle:3Cl"ibed iJ.'.I. attached descri})tioHo :'Ú.3ad a 'Lh:L:cd t:Lrl1o c.r.Lcl :passod (xc iJJ10 GüUJltj Coul.lcJ.l C~_Jul:lbers St. r.l'hoEia.s this 2(.~nd èl.uy of Y oV8}ÜOG.:C 19454 I·d. ~ Q~ ~ . . . .00..0 . Cle:ck Ial~den .--~~,.,,,,,~~..,~,,,,,~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~",,,'''''''''---~-'''''''''''''''' COUNTY OF ELGIN TO GEORGE POWLES ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Yarmouth, in the County of Elgin and Province of Ontario~ being composed of Part of Lot 2, in the 4th. Concession of the said Township and which may be more particularly described as follows:- COMMENCING at a point in the Northerly limit of said Lot 2, distant TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY FOUR AND SIX TENTHS FEET (224.ët) measured Westerly thereon from a point in the North east angle of said lot; THENCE Westerly along the Northerly 11mi t of said Lot, ;TWO HUNDRED AND NINETY AND FOUR TENTHS FEET (290.4'); THENCE Soûtherly parallel to the Easterly limit of said Lot; a distance of THREE HUNDRED FEET '( 300' ) ; ~ THENCE Easterly parallel with the Northerly limit of said Lot, TWO HUNDRED AND NINETY AND FOUR TENTHS FEET (290.4'); THENCE Northerly parallel with the Easterly limit of said Lot, THREE HUNDRED FEET (300') to the place of beginning. CONTAINING BY admeasurement TWO ""RES (2) be the ,_ mo~ or le'~ p , , ' ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR. st. Thomas, Ontario. November 19th. 1945. ~